The US Embassy "lands" in SPAK, the strong message: You have our full support for the eradication of corruption

2023-09-28 16:40:14Aktualitet SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Head of SPAK Altin Dumani and Chargé d'Affaires of the US embassy David Wisner

Senior officials of the American embassy in Tirana visited today the premises of the Special Structure Against Corruption and Organized Crime.

Charge d'Affaires David Wisner, accompanied by colleagues from the American embassy who support the justice sector, met today with the head of SPAK, Altin Dumani, as well as the investigators of this structure.

The US Embassy expresses its full support to SPAK for the eradication of corruption and organized crime in Albania.

Message from the US Embassy in Tirana:

SPAK is making impressive progress in Albania's objectives for justice reform. Today, Charge d'Affaires David Wisner and US Embassy colleagues who support the justice sector met with SPAK Chief Special Prosecutor Altin Dumani, SPAK prosecutors and NBI investigators working on eradicated organized crime and corruption in Albania. The work of SPAK and others in the justice sector requires extraordinary courage, integrity and passion. Mr. Wisner conveyed the appreciation of the United States for the work of SPAK, stressing that he has our full support to carry out his mission on behalf of the Albanian people.
