Agron Malaj of Mati makes a tender to buy local televisions, seeks advertising and propaganda! Read / 2025-02-14 12:21:20Investigation
The Prisons Directorate denies SPAK: Erion Veliaj is found to be unconvicted in the Criminal Record Register 17:43
Capello analyzes Milan's defeat in the Champions League: Here's what didn't work against Feyenoord 17:27
Deschamps: Zidane, natural candidate for France, but I don't know if he wants to take over the national team 17:17
Albin Kurti: Great loss to no longer have Shaban Murati's far-sighted advice, he left behind 19 works 17:06
He said he was threatened, GJKKO denies Këlliçi: Magician Ilirjana Olldashi has not had any interference with her function 16:44
PHOTOS / On Valentine's Day, Capital T confirms the much-discussed relationship with Adrola Dushin? 16:28
The Prisons Directorate denies SPAK: Erion Veliaj is found to be unconvicted in the Criminal Record Register Read / 2025-02-14 17:43:29News
Albin Kurti: Great loss to no longer have Shaban Murati's far-sighted advice, he left behind 19 works Read / 2025-02-14 17:06:55News
He said he was threatened, GJKKO denies Këlliçi: Magician Ilirjana Olldashi has not had any interference with her function Read / 2025-02-14 16:44:05News
NAMES / They threatened and raped a police officer, two brothers are arrested Read / 2025-02-14 15:56:30News
She "split the forehead" of the Chief of Finance/ The director of the hospital in Dibër, Irini Shehu, IS DISMISSED! Read / 2025-02-14 15:46:03News
Veliaj's judicial status, SPAK reacts: "Convicted" resulted from the certificate of the Prisons Directorate, it was not used as a circumstance by us Read / 2025-02-14 15:40:08News
ALARM in LAÇ/ Minor child shows signs of dysentery in kindergarten, authorities mobilize Read / 2025-02-14 15:28:14News
SERIOUS in Greece/ Albanian woman hid in hotel to escape her husband's threats, but when he found her, the 45-year-old woman jumped out the window! Read / 2025-02-14 15:24:28News
NAMES/ The identity of the SKIFTERS who robbed 100 THOUSAND EUROS from the doctor's house in Shkodra is revealed! Read / 2025-02-14 14:52:16News
Veliaj's supporters during the hearing/ GJKKO writes to the police, AMP and notifies the EU embassy, but NOT the US! Read / 2025-02-14 14:05:44News
"1 million euros of clothes for my wife?" Veliaj: We need a shop like the one selling panties and bras for Sali Fundërrina's bride in Bllok Read / 2025-02-14 13:53:57News
Abuse of tenders in the Municipality of Tirana, the Special Court passes 'File 5D' for trial! Read / 2025-02-14 12:51:29News
INVESTIGATION/ The online betting empire of the murdered TURKISH-CYPRIOTIOUS businessman and his branches in Albania! (How 'Bast Arena' was created by the "HEADS" of Durrës) Read / 2025-02-14 12:45:15News
Kamza's 'arsonist' arrested, burned a car and attempted to set fire to another vehicle, also responsible for several robberies Read / 2025-02-14 12:30:32News
"Partizani" FILE/ The hearing is postponed to February 26, lawyers: SPAK to question Edi Rama! Read / 2025-02-14 11:50:56News
SPAK and GJKKO address the Minister of Interior: We want legal responsibility for those who boycotted the protection of institutions! Read / 2025-02-14 11:27:23News
Veliaj's supporters gathered in front of SPAK, the Special Prosecution Office and the GJKKO wrote to the police and the Ministry of Interior: Why haven't measures been taken?! Read / 2025-02-14 10:49:47News
Frost and precipitation return, what is the weather expected for the weekend? Read / 2025-02-14 10:25:39News
Was the Chief of Police of Shkodra appointed by crime? The Criminal Court declares Gazmend Bardhi NOT INNOCENT! Read / 2025-02-14 10:25:01News
PHOTOS+VIDEO/ This is KLAJDI BUZA with a dark criminal past who opened fire on the POLICE in Rinas! Read / 2025-02-14 10:08:26News
Albanian sentenced to 11.3 years in prison for gang rape of Swedish tourist, father of three children revealed by... Read / 2025-02-14 09:49:25News
They were trafficking 30 kg of cocaine, a 32-year-old Albanian and an Italian were arrested! (How the two accomplices were caught exchanging drug packages) Read / 2025-02-14 09:24:24News
Rainfall across the country, what are the temperatures forecast for today? Read / 2025-02-14 07:32:06News
DETAILS/ Erion Veliaj is placed under observation at Durrës Prison, what happens after 48 hours Read / 2025-02-13 22:58:19News
NAME / Who is the dangerous 33-year-old who shot at police during arrest Read / 2025-02-13 21:24:51News
Anila Hoxha sheds light on Veliaj's clashes with the prosecutor in the marathon session: My wife was persecuted Read / 2025-02-13 21:08:45News
Full testimony/ What Erion Veliaj told SPAK prosecutors in the courtroom Read / 2025-02-13 19:28:43News
The European Commission assessed the results of SPAK, the Special Prosecution Office reacts Read / 2025-02-13 17:30:05News
The kidnapping and disappearance of Jan Prenga, Dritan Rexhepi speaks for the first time at the GJKKO Read / 2025-02-13 16:29:07News
Taxi driver arrested in Vlora for transporting and attempting to sell a firearm Read / 2025-02-13 16:06:16News
Krimet zgjedhore, Dumani takon Celibashin në KQZ: SPAK zbret në terren, me struktura të specializuara në çdo nivel Read / 2025-02-13 15:30:54News
"My friends make fun of me, that's all my parents have to do," the prosecution files criminal proceedings for "inciting suicide" for the death of a 17-year-old! Read / 2025-02-13 15:27:21News
66-year-old drug dealer arrested in Tirana, cocaine and thousands of euros found. Wife prosecuted Read / 2025-02-13 14:15:38News
He was taken by helicopter to Trauma, the 17-year-old is out of danger! (The teenager was stabbed in the ribs inside the school) Read / 2025-02-13 14:06:28News
Injured 17-year-old in Mat, police provide details: It happened in the school's sports facility Read / 2025-02-13 12:44:20News
U tjetërsua me dokumente të falsifikuara, konfiskohet pronë në bregdetin e Sarandës me vlerë 15 milionë euro! Ja me sa vite burg u dënuan të pandehurit Read / 2025-02-13 12:24:54News
Alienation of property, SPAK demands 3 years in prison for the former mayor of Himara, Jorgo Goro! Read / 2025-02-13 09:47:25News
"Stay in prison until we find the evidence", Rama reveals the figures: The number of detainees is 61%, horror! Read / 2025-02-13 09:37:35News
"Only an idiot says that SPAK is controlled by the SP", Edi Rama: Why are you asking me for January 21st, ask SPAK for justice instead Read / 2025-02-13 09:32:12News
"SPAK is not the Vatican", Rama: By what right are entrepreneurs' phones taken away and then blackmailed for private matters... Read / 2025-02-13 09:27:09News
Yesterday's accident in Lezhë-Shëngjin, the wife of the 30-year-old man also dies Read / 2025-02-13 09:17:49News
KLGJ's reaction to pressure on the judiciary, Rama: I am not exerting pressure, but a legitimate request for standards! Read / 2025-02-13 09:13:46News
"We met like many others", Rama on Veliaj's arrest: What are the chosen ones, cannon fodder for a government? Read / 2025-02-13 09:06:28News
Rama: Veliaj was arrested without being a defendant, the prosecutor does not have sufficient evidence Read / 2025-02-13 08:56:43News
She killed her in-laws and hid the bodies in a suitcase, this is how many years in prison Albanian Elona Kalesha is sentenced to Read / 2025-02-13 08:54:06News
"The Municipality's corrupt directors attacked the prosecutors and judges after the decision", Bardhi: The Police Director should be prosecuted! Read / 2025-02-12 23:51:01News
The moment when Veliaj leaves the GJKOO in the police van, supporters cheer and throw leaflets (VIDEO) Read / 2025-02-12 22:36:56News
GJKKO leaves Erion Veliaj in prison, mitigates the sentence for Ajola Xoxa Read / 2025-02-12 21:51:12News
Suspected of self-inflicted gunshot wound, 27-year-old dies in Vlora hospital Read / 2025-02-12 21:21:16News
Ajola Xoxa's testimony in the GJKKO: "I ask for a lighter measure, I take care of the child." Here's how Altin Dumani responded Read / 2025-02-12 21:02:23News
OSHEE Director, Plator Mehmeti, hid the family company in the name of the chef Read / 2025-02-12 21:00:59News
LUAJ VIDEON “Mbylle gojën”, djali i Musk i thotë Trumpit: Ti nuk je presidenti, largohu! | Vox News Albania
LUAJ VIDEON Njëri vodhi para në një lokal, tjetri i mori celularin një turisti amerikan, arrestohen 2 persona
LUAJ VIDEON Arrestohen dy personave në Tiranë, u kapën me dro*ë dhe shuma të mëdha parash | Vox News Albania
LUAJ VIDEON Plagosi me armë zjarri 30-vjeçarin dy ditë më parë, arrestohet autori në Lezhë | Vox News Albania
LUAJ VIDEON Tentoi të transportonte emigrantë të paligjshëm,arrestohet 32-vjeçari në Tepelenë | Vox News Albania