How the "cake" of millions of Oksijjen is divided: In Korça, MESSER won, in Fier, GTS receives 400 thousand euros! Read / 2025-02-08 16:59:19Investigation
Trump clarifies conversation with Putin: We will benefit greatly if we work together! Peace negotiations in Ukraine should begin immediately 18:34
Protest / Together Movement unveils message for Edi Rama with projector on the facade of the Prime Minister's Office 18:21
“NATO duhet të jetë një forcë vdekjeprurëse, jo një klub diplomatik”, shefi i Pentagonit zbret në Europë 18:05
Bardhi denounces: The State Police abandons prosecutors and judges! It is not present at the illegal protest in front of SPAK 17:58
EU Delegation reacts to Veliaj's arrest: We are closely following developments! SPAK to investigate corruption without interference and pressure 17:11
EMRI / Audi collided with truck, 30-year-old driver dies, passenger in serious condition Read / 2025-02-12 17:25:16News
Protesters gather again in front of SPAK, demand Erion Veliaj's release Read / 2025-02-12 17:05:29News
Ylli Manjani: Detention is full of people who were never questioned, this approach must be changed Read / 2025-02-12 16:28:35News
Serious accident in Shëngjin, one victim and one seriously injured reported Read / 2025-02-12 16:05:54News
"REVENGE"/ The uncle of the SP MP, Elvis Ndreca, was arrested and appeared in the 'Sky Ecc' wiretaps! Read / 2025-02-12 15:47:28News
"You told me you would remember", Veliaj clashes with prosecutor Olsi Dado: You received a building permit from me Read / 2025-02-12 15:34:53News
Rama's statements after Veliaj's arrest, KLP: The independence of prosecutors must be respected! Read / 2025-02-12 15:32:33News
172 kilograms of cocaine with the "KF TIRANA" logo were seized in Italy, 3 Albanians were arrested! (2 were brother and sister) Read / 2025-02-12 15:14:08News
"GËRDECI", Mediu: I did not study for the military, I was elected Minister of Defense for… Read / 2025-02-12 15:03:28News
Rama's statements towards judge Erion Bani: Direct threat to independence and the rule of law! Read / 2025-02-12 14:37:36News
"My friends make fun of me! I'm not SHAMEFUL about my clothes, my parents have that much power," reveals the SHOCKING LETTER of the 17-year-old who committed suicide in Gjirokastra! Read / 2025-02-12 14:02:43News
Helena Kadare at SPAK, asks to participate in Veliaj's hearing (VIDEO) Read / 2025-02-12 13:43:13News
NAME/ Criminal group hit in Italy, police arrest 24-year-old in Albania as part of gang! Read / 2025-02-12 13:33:53News
DETAILS/ SCANDAL in Dibra HOSPITAL, how the hospital director went to the office of the Chief of Finance and hit him in the face with a bottle! Read / 2025-02-12 11:38:59News
"We want 70 thousand euros, or..."/ He took 35-year-old Ervis Xhixha hostage, the 40-year-old was ARRESTED! Read / 2025-02-12 11:27:53News
VIDEO/ A WOMAN forcibly enters the SPAK perimeter, is arrested by the police! Read / 2025-02-12 10:53:07News
"Don't come looking for my phone", Rama reads the citizen's message: Who gave the 'swamp owl' the secret 'Toyota' file! Read / 2025-02-12 10:27:53News
"A well-known artist is in serious condition"/ Rama on intimidation of witnesses: He was taken off the road while taking his child to kindergarten in a stroller Read / 2025-02-12 10:11:14News
Rama lashes out at judge Erion Bani: The only one who agreed to the GJKKO to arrest Veliaj, a PD suicide bomber Read / 2025-02-12 10:01:28News
Rama slaps ILD: We have it as an institution on paper, but not in reality, it has not yet woken up from its slumber Read / 2025-02-12 10:00:15News
The hearing for Erion Veliaj at the GJKKO is interrupted, the lawyers ask for time to familiarize themselves with the file Read / 2025-02-12 09:49:44News
Rama rrëzon një nga akuzat e SPAK: Bashkëshortja e Gent Sulës nuk u bë zëvendësministre nga Veliaj por nga Ilir Meta Read / 2025-02-12 09:37:49News
The SP MP was placed under investigation by SPAK: I calmed Ina Goxhaj, advised her and criticized her for... Read / 2025-02-12 09:34:19News
"I'm sorry you're so tired this morning," businessman Gentian Sula arrives at the GJKKO! Read / 2025-02-12 09:23:26News
GJKKO without power! The hearing for Veliaj has not started yet, the generator is put into operation Read / 2025-02-12 09:05:33News
Ajola Xoxa is introduced to the security measures today, entering the premises of the GJKKO Read / 2025-02-12 08:48:21News
Hearing on measures/ Veliaj transferred from the Security Bloc, the mayor's supporters gather in front of the GJKKO Read / 2025-02-12 08:30:18News
TI's corruption report: Albania and Kosovo the only countries with improvement Read / 2025-02-11 23:04:16News
Unusual in Debar! Hospital director beats finance chief, ends up in police custody Read / 2025-02-11 22:41:25News
"It feels like we're in a bad dream," the deputy mayor: We'll pick up the pace lost from the surprise hit Read / 2025-02-11 19:52:54News
The Telegraph: It cost Britain £1 million to deport 47 Albanians by private jet Read / 2025-02-11 18:48:11News
Veliaj's arrest, Nisma Thurrje holds protest in front of the Prime Minister's Office Read / 2025-02-11 18:37:13News
172 kg of cocaine with the "KF TIRANA" logo seized in Italy, 3 Albanians in handcuffs Read / 2025-02-11 18:16:02News
SPAK: Klotilda Bushka destroyed the witness's phone, instructed her on what to state before prosecutors Read / 2025-02-11 17:53:08News
Ndalohet 43-vjeçari në Durrës, tentoi të hynte në Shqipëri me 23 iPhone kontrabandë Read / 2025-02-11 15:29:40News
Murder of 14-year-old Martin Cani, Tirana Prosecution closes investigations and sends minor Marjo Përlleshi for trial! Read / 2025-02-11 15:21:39News
DETAILS/ Teenagers in Kruja tried to kill their uncle, their father intervened to separate them! (The fight started over a sum of money) Read / 2025-02-11 15:04:54News
They turned the editorial office into a 'barn' and sold ecstasy, the Appeal leaves the 4 journalists of Naim Noka's portal in prison! Read / 2025-02-11 13:24:10News
NAME/ Gunfight between several people in Skopje, 35-year-old Albanian killed! Read / 2025-02-11 13:12:58News
New case of acute meningitis in Durrës, 14-year-old urgently sent to QSUT Read / 2025-02-11 12:40:55News
The Constitutional Court overturns the DP's decision on the Academy of Sciences Law! Read / 2025-02-11 12:39:46News
"I didn't recognize my daughter, she was so badly burned," the Albanian neighbor tried to rape her and set her on fire, the 12-year-old's family members "explode"! Read / 2025-02-11 12:16:14News
Veliaj at the Security Block at "Mine Peza", the Legal Director of the Municipality of Tirana goes to the CELL with documents in hand! Read / 2025-02-11 11:00:33News
U gjet i pajetë në rezervuar, jepet dënimi për 4 vrasësit e Martin Çeços! Ja sa do të qëndrojë pas hekurave Martina Pajollari Read / 2025-02-11 09:28:27News
Rama: Altin Dumani had 'January 21' on his desk even when he was an ordinary prosecutor! Why didn't he fight corruption then? Read / 2025-02-11 09:25:40News
Presentation of the DP consultant, Rama: Collective masturbation, like teenagers with a picture of an actress Read / 2025-02-11 08:55:40News
While speaking live with commentators, Rama gets irritated with the technical problems on Instagram and slams the table: F*ck You! Read / 2025-02-11 08:45:56News
The arrest of Erion Veliaj, three SCENARIOS for the leadership of the Municipality of Tirana Read / 2025-02-10 22:52:31News
Journalist reveals what Veliaj said when he saw BKH agents inside Tirana Municipality Read / 2025-02-10 21:27:42News
Vlora / 17-year-old arrested while attempting to sell a Kalashnikov to a 19-year-old Read / 2025-02-10 19:48:15News
SPAK's accusations, Ajola Xoxa returns to Tirana to implement security measures Read / 2025-02-10 18:56:07News
Serious / 15-year-old taken to hospital with no signs of life, suspected of suicide Read / 2025-02-10 17:46:27News
LUAJ VIDEON Rijetëzimi i sheshit ‘Nënë Tereza’, Rama: Tirana do bëhet qyteti më i jashtëzakonshëm i Europës
LUAJ VIDEON Rama kritikon ministrin e Drejtësisë: Si ka mundësi Ulsi që SPAK s'ka mjete për regjistrim
LUAJ VIDEON Rama për intimidimin e dëshmitarëve: U mor nga rruga kur po çonte fëmijën me karrocë në kopsht
LUAJ VIDEON Rama shuplakë ILD:Me letra e kemi si institucion,por jo në realitet,akoma nuk është zgjuar nga gjumi