MSE, Arbër Teqja firms banned from tenders for 1 year for transactions with Russian citizens to win tenders at QSUT Read / 2025-02-17 12:47:06Investigation
DP accuses Balliu and asks SPAK to investigate/ Balliu: Lubia plotted Beleri's arrest with Aurel Zarka, rewarded the former chief prosecutor's brother-in-law! 14:45
"If you love her so much, don't let her go," he shot his girlfriend and then killed himself in Shkodra! (What the 34-year-old POSTED on Tiktok) 13:18
"Veliaj's cell phones in Qerret's villa", the Mayor reacts: An idiocy of a corrupt prosecutor! 2025-02-18 14:30:17News
“Suel Çela BASHKON PD-PS në Elbasan”, këshilltarët e BASHKISË votojnë PRO vendimit për zgjerimin e tregut!
Land, businesses and cars, the Gjirokastra Prosecution seizes the assets of a person! 2025-02-18 14:21:38News
Checks for the Dobraçi MASSACRE, Safet Bajri is not found by RENEA forces in Shkodra! 2025-02-18 14:00:53News
"Suel Çela UNITES DP and SP in Elbasan", MUNICIPALITY advisors vote FOR the decision to expand his father's market! 2025-02-18 13:33:01Politics
“Sueli nuk ka as shpi, as katandi”/ Bashkia i jep leje për TREG të RI ushqimor babai i të FORTIT të Elbasanit!
Veliaj telefon në burg? Gazetarja zbulon detaje nga qëndrimi i kryebashkiakut në qeli: Është vetëm.... 2025-02-18 12:44:02News
IMAGES emerge from the anti-drug operation in Tirana, who are the 34 arrested (NAMES) 2025-02-18 12:22:57News
PHOTOS ARE OUT / This is the 34-year-old man who shot his partner and then himself! (The 44-year-old mother of 3 children) 2025-02-18 12:21:10News
NEW Details: He shot his girlfriend and then himself, NAMES emerge from the serious incident in Shkodra! 2025-02-18 12:04:03News
KRIM pasioni? U raportua për dy të vd*kur në Shkodër, fatmirësisht vajza ende gjallë! (REAGON policia)
BREAKING NEWS/ Two dead reported in Shkodra, fortunately the girl is still alive! (Police REACT) 2025-02-18 11:55:27News
NEW DETAILS from the murder in Shkodra, the boy EXECUTES his girlfriend and then himself! 2025-02-18 11:37:53News
May 11th Elections/ The Head of the CEC sets the deadlines for the registration of parties, coalitions and multi-name lists 2025-02-18 11:31:44Politics
FOTO/ Dr*gë, S*KS dhe armë: Festa e ÇMENDUR mes MIQSH në Astir që zbuloi të shkuarën KRIMINALE të Joni Sadikaj!
Dr*gë, S*KS and guns/ CRAZY party among FRIENDS in Astir that revealed Joni Sadikaj's CRIMINAL past! 2025-02-18 10:48:42News
“Sueli nuk ka as shpi, as katandi”/ Bashkia i jep leje për TREG të RI ushqimor babai i të FORTIT të Elbasanit! (Vizita e Ramës dhe premtimi)
"Sueli has neither a house nor a land"/ The Municipality grants permission for a NEW food market to the father of the STRONG man of Elbasan! (Rama's visit and the Prime Minister's promise) Read / 2025-02-18 10:19:09News
"The swamp owl put Fatos Nano in the cell", Rama speaks about the former leader of the SP: They almost killed him because he chose... Read / 2025-02-18 09:55:45Politics
"If you love her so much, don't let her go," he shot his girlfriend and then killed himself in Shkodra! (What the 34-year-old POSTED on Tiktok) Read / 2025-02-18 13:18:12News
34-year-old arrested for stealing oil from ship that was seized in Durres Read / 2025-02-18 11:23:29News
They caused the accident last night in Roskovec, where a 79-year-old shepherd lost his life, two young men are arrested (NAMES) Read / 2025-02-18 10:05:11News
Aksion policor në Tiranë/ Arrestohen disa persona, sekuestrohen lëndë narkotike Read / 2025-02-18 09:27:40News
Frosty weather in the US, dangerously cold temperatures expected today with temperatures of -51 degrees C in some states Read / 2025-02-18 08:21:59News
"Crack" again between Egli and Gjesti: You're making my brain tired, don't catch me like that! Read / 2025-02-18 11:42:59Lifestyle
"You are Albanian..."/ Getinjo's message excites Gjesti on 'BBVIP' Read / 2025-02-17 22:51:44Lifestyle
"Thank you for not offending anyone," Egli Tako receives a touching message from her mother Read / 2025-02-17 22:17:27Lifestyle
Forecast for all 12 zodiac signs/ A lukewarm week with few evaluations, only the sign of Pisces t... Read / 2025-02-17 21:17:54Lifestyle
Study: Paracetamol during pregnancy increases hyperactivity in babies Read / 2025-02-17 20:38:34Lifestyle
DP accuses Balliu and asks SPAK to investigate/ Balliu: Lubia plotted Beleri's arrest with Aurel Zarka, rewarded the former chief prosecutor's brother-in-law! Read / 2025-02-18 14:45:00Politics
The Prime Minister mocks him with the "marsh owl", Berisha responds with the "shoe-beak" bird Read / 2025-02-18 13:56:06Politics
PHOTOS ARE OUT / This is the 34-year-old man who shot his partner and then himself! (The 44-year-old mother of 3 children)
"Ordinary, I'll beat you to death!"/ Live TV insult between Halit Valter and journalist Enton Abilekaj
"The letter said should I tell my dad"/ The shocking story of the parents of the 16-year-old who committed suicide: She told us how she would endure 6 hours in class...
It is approaching Earth very quickly, science is "anxious" about the asteroid, the 8 most endangered cities are revealed
"Quack quack quack", Rama again mocks Berisha with the "swamp owl" Read / 2025-02-18 13:37:57Politics
Berisha reiterates stance on SPAK: Albania will have a non-political prosecutor's office Read / 2025-02-18 13:07:04Politics
Berisha calls on emigrants: Register with PER to vote and sign the great change in Albania! Read / 2025-02-18 12:54:44Politics
Constitutional Court Decision on Sky ECC: A Bold Step in Accordance with European Jurisprudence Read Eduard Halimi / 2025-02-16 19:51:10Point of Views
Ylli Manjani: SPAK cannot launch a property investigation without first discovering the criminal offense. Starting proceedings with anonymous names is the horror of horrors Read Ylli Manjani / 2025-02-16 12:30:13Point of Views
LUAJ VIDEON “Arsimi i Lartë 2030”, Manastirliu: Mbështetja financiare sipas performancës akademike | Vox News
LUAJ VIDEON KRIM pasioni? U raportua për dy të vd*kur në Shkodër, fatmirësisht vajza ende gjallë | Vox News
LUAJ VIDEON Operacion antidrogë në Tiranë, policia: U ekzekutuan masat e sigurisër për 27 persona, 7 në kërkim
The prosecutor who preceded SPAK. Conversation with Xhevat Hana's daughter Read / 2025-01-13 11:18:01Confession Room
Looking for gift ideas this holiday season? Discover five similar, but not identical, options! Read Entela Resuli / 2024-12-16 11:02:04Confession Room
Six decades in search of his brother, Ilmi's rare story Read Entela Resuli / 2024-11-04 13:07:22Confession Room
Hashim Thaçi with health problems, Court: He is consulting with the doctor! Read / 2025-02-18 10:50:24Kosovo&World
Delta plane explodes as it lands on runway, footage from Canada incident (VIDEO) Read / 2025-02-18 10:31:58Kosovo&World
Ndihmësit e kryebashkiakut të Nju Jorkut pritet të japin dorëheqjen Read / 2025-02-18 09:15:51Kosovo&World
Russian and US officials meet in Saudi Arabia for peace talks, Kiev absent Read / 2025-02-18 08:45:16Kosovo&World
REPORT/ Nearly half of employees in Albania have low wages and inadequate working conditions Read / 2025-02-18 08:34:40Business
The investment for Thumanë-Kashar is not found in the concessionaire's balance sheets: Doubts over the sources of money that financed the road Read / 2025-02-17 18:13:46Business
From flowers to travel and jewelry, how expensive is love in Albania? Read / 2025-02-14 08:27:53Business
Temperatures down to -15°c, Leo Messi refused to gather with the team Read / 2025-02-18 14:18:12Sport
After not scoring for 502 days, Neymar celebrates his first goal with Santos and breaks the curse (VIDEO) Read / 2025-02-17 17:43:14Sport
I nevojitet Lacios, Elseid Hysaj do t’i nënshtrohet sot vizitave mjekësore Read / 2025-02-17 09:11:28Sport