Businessman Alban Xhillari is accused of having gained the status of a strategic investor in a coveted property on the Albanian coast through the creation of a network of companies that are de jure run by a handful of his trusted people and through the falsification of documents.
It is about the strategic investment ' Jala Entertainment Park '.
Strategic investor status was initially granted in 2019 on an area of ??140 thousand square meters in the Jala area, where Alban Xhillari had previously established the ' Folie Marine' business .
However, there were ownership claims on the land where the strategic investment is now being built by other parties, who had also acquired this right through a decision of the Vlora Court of Appeal.
Xhillari was indicted for falsifying documents, which in 2019-2020 are suspected of being the cause of the replacement of 12 directors of the Vlora mortgage.
Officially, directors would leave within days and weeks, citing personal reasons; unofficially, it is an open secret in Vlora that the heads of Kadatra would leave as soon as they were put under pressure to sign the transfer of ownership to Alban Xhillari, of a property that belonged to him.
Regarding this property, in 2020, the High State Audit, headed at the time by Bujar Leskaj, found serious violations and through an audit report in the Vlora Cadastre, said that the documentation on the basis of which Xhillari had obtained the status of strategic investor was false.
This report and the accusations of the other party, who claimed ownership of the land, may be the reason why Alban Xhillari is hiding behind the strategic investor, through a network of companies and his close associates.
Strategic investor status has been granted to Soleil & Sea.
According to QKB data, the company is 90 percent owned by Endri Mingollari and the other 10 percent by Ardit Bajraktari.
The company has acquired a total of nearly 220,000 square meters of property in the Jala area to build a tourist village and a hotel, which according to the initial project reach an investment value of around 70 million euros.
Part of the acquired property has been contested by citizen Kristo Gjoka.
The latter in 2019 reported Alban Xhillari to the prosecutor's office, accusing him of falsifying documents and using connections with the government to plunder properties in the south.
Xhillari responded by filing a complaint, but not in his own name. He filed a complaint against Kristo Gjoka on behalf of the Kempix company.
The latter was founded by Alban Xhillari in April 2008. A month later, Xhillari sold 100 percent of the shares.
But, although he has officially left since 2008, he is suspected of still having de facto control of it, currently through citizen Taulant Xheleshi.
The latter acquired 100 percent of the company's shares in December last year, while before him the company had changed ownership several times between citizens Albano Ahmeti, Jani Kosta and Klaus Balliu, all names that appear sometimes as administrators, sometimes as owners and co-owners in Alban Xhillari's other businesses.
Taulant Xheleshi also appears as the owner of 100 percent of the shares in the construction company BETA, which from 2001 to 2011 was owned at times 100 percent and at times with an overwhelming majority of shares by Alban Xhillari.
In 2018, Albano Ahmeti, who also became the owner of the Kempixh company, also served as administrator of the BETA company, while in 2021 he purchased 100 percent of the shares from Ksenis Zakja.
In 2023, Albano Ahmeti sells all shares to Klaus Balliu and two years later, Balliu hands over the company to Taulant Xheleshit.
It is noteworthy that all transactions with the company's shares have a standard value of 100 thousand lek.
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