Crime, corruption, influence or luck?! How is the firm "Bajrami N" easily winning tenders in the Elbasan Region!

2025-01-09 13:02:12Investigim SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Anduena Bajrami, who was the deputy mayor of Elbasan. She is currently the owner of the company "Bajrami N"

One of the firms that has experienced a significant increase in tenders is the firm " Bajrami N ", which is currently owned by citizen Anduena Bajrami , who has been the deputy mayor of the Municipality of Elbasan for years.

Surprisingly, since Ms. Bajrami's appointment to that position, the firm has been turning over tens of millions of euros, mainly winning tenders from the municipalities of Elbasan, Peqin, Belsh, Librazhd, and even Gramsh .

So, the money remains within the county.

The VoxNews editorial office has received information that the tenders won by the firm were made with influence, whether in past or current procedures.

In fact, the names of the owners who were shareholders in the past in this firm are also in Albanian or European police reports.

But if you easily earn tens of millions of euros, is it influence or luck?

Could it be that it's about crime and corruption, as political or criminal connections may have helped?

Sources from law enforcement agencies told VoxNews that they have begun the first verifications of these connections, as the data is open and anyone can verify it. As our editorial team has done, which has analyzed dozens of new and old contracts that this firm has won.

Crime, corruption, influence or luck?! How is the firm "Bajrami N"
Facsimile: Announcement of the Municipality of Elbasan for the tender for the reconstruction of the Zaranika stream

A few weeks ago, the Municipality of Elbasan announced the winners of the firm " Bajrami N " and the firm " STERKAJ ", with the former having 80% of the contract and the latter 20% for the reconstruction of the Zaranika stream.

The object of the contract is "Rehabilitation of the Zaranika Stream Watershed and Reconstruction of the Zaranika Stream Dam and Bed".

This is the first lot, with a budget of 153,736,608 lek excluding VAT. The winning consortium offered 104 million lek.

But, despite the offers and values, what stands out in all these procedures is the ease with which this firm wins the tenders. The current Mayor of Elbasan, Gledian Llatja, did not prefer to sign for his former deputy, as he authorized in this case, the deputy mayor Asim Sula.

Crime, corruption, influence or luck?! How is the firm "Bajrami N"
Facsimile: List of tenders won by “Bajrami N” in Elbasan (source Open Procurement)

VoxNews shfletoi dokumentet e tenderëve të fituar nga kjo firmë, ku institucioni që kryeson është Bashkia e Elbasanit, me plot 35 procedura.

Vlera që kjo firmë ka fituar e vetme (pa bashkim operatorësh), sipas të dhënave të hapur nga Open Procurement, është plot 739.642.326 lekë.

Redaksia ka analizuar disa procedura, ku Bashkia e Elbasanit ka shpallur fituese këtë firmë. Një ndër to ka qenë procedura “sistemim asfaltim i rrugëve ‘Grigor Nosi’, ‘Xhafer Duhanxhiu’, ‘Hasan Kopili’ në lagjen 5 maji”, me një vlerë rreth 500 mijë euro.

Gjithashtu, është shpallur fituese edhe e tenderit rikonstruksion i shkollës së mesme "Kostandin Kristoforidhi” me një vlerë 130 milionë lekë, teksa kjo procedurë u analizua edhe nga Kontrolli i Lartë i Shtetit, ku gjeti dhjetëra abuzime.

Ndërkohë, “Bajrami N” ka fituar edhe procedurën rikualifikimi urban i parkut qendror Rinia, me një vlerë 208 milionë lekë.

Parku pas ndërtimit u shkatërrua dhe u deshën para shtesë që ta rivinin në punë. Goxha investim!

Firma ka fituar edhe tenderin e ndërtimit të sheshit “Valmi” me një vlerë 62 milionë lekë.

Nga e njëjta bashki fitoi edhe procedurën e instalimit të teknologjive të reja në stacionet e pompimit në sistemin Mengel-Samurr-Godolesh me një vlerë 56 milionë lekë.

Por, e vetme në garë ka fituar edhe plot 18 procedura në Bashkinë e Librazhdit, me një vlerë rreth 3 milionë euro.

Të jetë fat apo meritokraci?

Në dokumentet e analizuara nga VoxNeës, firma ka fituar tenderin sistemim asfaltim i rrugës së fshatit Spathar me një vlerë 83 milionë lekë, rregullimin e rrugës së fshatit Kokreve po me vlerë 83 milionë lekë.

Gjithashtu, edhe tenderin e përmirësimit të banesave ekzistuese për komunitete të varfëra dhe të pafavorizuara në vlerën e 34 milionë lekëve.

Firma ka fituar edhe tender në bashkitë e tjera të qarkut të Elbasanit, ku në Belsh ka fituar tenderin e banesave të shtresave t ëvarfëra me vlerë 37 milionë lekë, në rrogozhinë tenderin e rindërtimit të shkollës “Qamil Gjuzi" me vlerë 137 milionë lekë. Ndërkohë, në Peqin ka fituar tenderin e rregullimit të rrugës së fshatit Trash me vlerë 38 milionë lekë.

Crime, corruption, influence or luck?! How is the firm "Bajrami N"
Faksimile: Njoftimi i fituesit të tenderit nga Bashkia e Durrësit, ku përveç firmës fituese u skualifikuan gjithë të tjerët

Redaksia jonë analizoi edhe tenderët e fituar nga Bajrami N në bashkëpunim me firma të tjera, ku ka dyshime se është favorizuar dukshëm.

Dokumenti i mësipërm është një tender i Bashkisë së Durrësit, ku përveç ofertës së firmave fituese “Bajrami N” dhe “Fusha” të gjitha të tjerat u skualifikuan. Bëhet fjalë për procedurën me objekt “rehabilitimi i sheshit publik pranë Mauzoleumit faza I”, me një vlerë 332 milionë lekë.

Këto firma ofruan 279 milionë lekë.

But, "Bajrami N" has also won tenders from other municipalities, in collaboration with other firms. It has won a tender from the Dimal Municipality with the object of "construction of bridges over the Osumi River" in collaboration with two other firms "TOTILA" and "SHENDELLI" with a fund of 64 million and the winner with a bid of $99 of the limit fund.

BOE has also won the tender for the redevelopment of the "Aqif Pasha" park, together with the firm "BLERIMI" worth 80 million lek.

Meanwhile, from Librazhdi, he won the tender for the rehabilitation of the city center and the painting of the facades, together with the firm IDI 2005, worth 58 million lek.

Bajrami N and Gjikuria have won the tender worth 209 million for the asphalting of the 28 November road. They have also "won" an additional amount for this work. They also had an additional amount in the tender for the "reconstruction of the Polis-Vale suspension bridge", with a high value.

In Peqin, the firm, together with Lluca shpk & Viante Konstruksion, won 47 million lek for the construction of river dams and the reinforcement of the bridge legs on the Shkumbin River bed. They also won 17 million lek outside Elbasan, in Berat, for the reconstruction of the facades at the entrance to the city.

Even in Tirana, he won a tender together with the firm "COLOMBO" worth 146 million lek, for the reconstruction of the 9-year school "Shyqyri Peza".

Within Elbasan, the firms "Bajrami N" and "Gele Zani" won 81 million for the reconstruction of the Skënderbegës motorway.

The firm has also benefited from reconstruction, where in Tirana it operated as BOE with the firm Zdravo for the buildings in the 5 May neighborhood. They won a contract worth 446 million lek.

Crime, corruption, influence or luck?! How is the firm "Bajrami N"
Facsimile: CV of Anduena Bajrami who was the deputy mayor of Elbasan. She is currently the owner of the company “Bajrami N”

The company "Bajrami N" was owned by the Bajrami family. Initially, it was Nazifi and currently it is Anduena Bajrami, who was the deputy mayor of Elbasan Municipality after 2013, next to Qazim Sejdini and then Gledian Llatja.

But, even during the time when the wife was deputy mayor of Elbasan Municipality, her husband Nazifi received tenders from Elbasan Municipality.

Meanwhile, some media outlets have also published information that Anduena Bajrami's husband was being harassed, based on a letter from December 2020.

But, to date, law enforcement agencies have not conducted any operations or announced the launch of investigations.


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