The Prime Minister of Albania allegedly signed a false decision

2025-01-04 17:15:04Investigim SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX

Naga Habjan Hassani

Prime Minister Edi Rama is suspected of signing a forged decision of the Territorial Agency (AZHT) which was placed on the table by the head of the AZHT Adelajda Roka and deputy prime minister Belinda Balluku. The decision refers to the abolition/abrogation of the development permits of some of the country's most important projects, including the Airport of Kukes or the Port of Limioni.

The capture of this document has been an accident, a coincidence, but let's tell the story just as it started.

In December 2024, an Israeli company leading in civil and military aviation security evaluated the possibility of operating in Albania.

For this reason, the Israeli company asked albanian partners to do "due-dilligence" and fiasibility for the status and opportunities offered especially by Vlora Airport and Kukes Airport.

Albanian partners engaged engineers and specialists to draft the report.

But once the engineers started working, they faced a strange problem.

It turned out that the Kukës Airport was completely stripped of the development permit, through an unknown decision of AZHT, where the rescission of the permit of this airport was done together with the abolition of 6 other permits for resorts and buildings, all grouped in what was called "List 1" of the decision.

This decision is with no. 11 of the AZH (click here) resulting in the issued on 29 May 2024.

But although this decision turns out to be announced on May 29, even listed in the may 2024 electronic archive on the AZHT website, its brand suggests that the decision was signed by the head of AZHT Adelajda Roka on October 28, 2024. So AZHT conceived and signed on October 28th a decision, which it then presented as a decision of May.

The Prime Minister of Albania allegedly signed a false decision

This trick is probably the reason why no media had the opportunity to find this decision, because when journalists asked for the new decisions in May, this decision did not exist, when journalists were asking for the October decisions, this decision was moved to may's archive.

But the real surprise is the list of seven projects that under this decision are stripped of development permits, labeled "List 1."

At first, engineers verified point 5 of the list, which corresponded to the project for Kukes airport.

The list was reference to the development permit given to Kukës Airport with decision 06, dated 17 May 2019. But this decision number of AZHT does not correspond at all to Kukës Airport, as this specific decision turns out to have been drafted by AZHT for solid waste management, zero regarding the development permit of Kukës Airport.

The Prime Minister of Albania allegedly signed a false decision

But perhaps this was a pencil, so engineers verified the coincidence and accuracy of another decision that was on List 1.

The first project listed on the list was followed, which is the development permit for the Port of Loimion project.

To the surprise of engineers and the number of development permits of the Port of Limioni did not correspond to the number that was presented in the decision and list 1 signed by Adelajda Roka, Belinda Balluku and Edi Rama.

The Prime Minister of Albania allegedly signed a false decision

The decision presented as a development permit for the Port of Limion actually coincided with another decision of the AZHT, which related to the Metallurgical of Tirana, zero connection to the port of Limioni.

The same goes for the other five points of List 1. And it turned out that the numbers of development permits listed on this list either coincided with other projects, or did not exist at all in the online archive.

The fact that in the seven projects presented in List 1., no number of development permits corresponds to the development permits, raises suspicion that we may not be dealing with pencils but with a pressing process of counterfeiting.

An attempt to understand

For a more balanced report addressed official questions to AZHT through two emails, while officially keeping the Ministry of Infrastructure informed about this correspondence.

Official questions started by email from can be read here and here, while it is worth noting that until the publication of this article there is no official answer from this institution.

And yet, the questions raised by a decision drafted with absolute inaccuracies signed by the head of the Territorial Agency by the Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister are important to understand what is happening.

There are two logical scenarios:

A) They are absolute pencils and bluffs, no falsification.

2) It is a hasty counterfeiting process.

Let's take a look at them.

Imagine a country where the personal number on the passport or the prime minister's personal number corresponded to another name that is not the prime minister.

Imagine a passport or identity card where the personal identification number is Edi Rama's, the name on the passport is Xhelal Mziu, while the photo on the passport of Elena Kaçe.

What does that mean?

This means that absolutely all guarantees of the system have fallen. There is no system at all as a legal guarantor and state hierarchy. We are in what is referred to as the "natural state of the Neanderthal."

The same thing happened with the 11th. On 29 May 2024, after the list of development permits listed by this decision is completely wrong, the projects that the decision refers to are absolutely inaccurate, collide and overlap with other projects, the system has fallen.

In the logical scenario a) when this letter implies human lapses and gaffes of AZH officials, we can draw immediately some quick conclusions:

a1- The administration and director of AZHT have produced a false decision as a result of incompetence, implicating Deputy Prime Minister Balluku and the Prime Minister.

a2 – Deputy Prime Minister Balluku has no filter and no ability to verify and guarantee the accuracy of ESA decisions.

Prime Minister Rama is mocked by his two subordinated by signing the decision that makes him, perhaps the only European prime minister to have his signature on a completely incorrect document. A true monument to the shredding of the system and legal guarantees.

These three points are the minimum that can be said of the facts assestained. As we are in the variation that everything is gaffe and human pencil, hence incompetence.

In variant b), deliberate falsification, we need to consider several variables, related to the drives and motives that would force the director of AZHT to produce a document with falsified decisions of development permits.

The first question is whether development permits for these listed projects have ever existed and why did the director of AZHT need a false decision to revocate these permits that may not exist at all?

Some of the projects on the list are currently on the special prosecution site and this decision with false data may be related to any justification procedure related to these investigations.

It is very difficult to believe that Prime Minister Rama would have put the signature on this decision if he knew in advance that the list of development permits he was rescinding was fictitious and forged. The chances are that Rama was played by his subordinations.

On the other hand, it is well known how Edi Rama is in the head of those projects he prioritizes and it would not be surprising that his pressure and insistence have pushed AZHT or perhaps Balluku to advance these projects by ignoring legal procedures, including development permits.

But if the special prosecutor's office at some point finds these ignorances, all three of them have a legal problem.

So, when the prosecution finds that you don't have a major project development permit, what would be the easiest way out?

Perhaps it would be making a fictitious decision as if those permits were revoced, though the decision would be absolutely riddled with falsifications, as you cannot abolish something you have never empowered.

If we were in this scenario, surely the prime minister doesn't have time to deal with the details, he usually says only one word in these cases: Solve it.

Apparently the solution was this decision signed by Adelajda Roka on October 28th and issued on 29 May, a decision served to Edi Rama on the table, which Rama appears to have signed "fap and fap" perhaps without knowing that he would become the only Prime Minister in Europe to have signed a signature on a document filled with forgeries, Notary with his hand the collapse of the legal guarantee system in Albania. /
