It received 23 million euros in 2021, how much additional money was promised to the "Salillari" firm for the Great Ring Road?!

2024-12-31 17:49:02Investigim SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Salilari pigeon

A few hours before New Year's Eve and 1 day after the opening of the Grand Ring Road, the Albanian Road Authority has opened another procedure, extending the deadline for the works.

In fact, such announcements are made with the sole purpose of increasing funds for contracting firms, which after winning the big tender manage to receive additional millions through modifications or additions to the contract.

With the modifications and additions, it is still not known exactly how much was spent on the entire Great Ring, which began almost 15 years ago and partially opened in late 2024.

The division into parts and the bonuses given to the winning firms have led to a significant increase in costs, for an axis that has been dragged out and dragged out, perhaps with the aim of absorbing as much funds as possible.

It received 23 million euros in 2021, how much additional money was promised to
Facsimile: ARA notification on modification of the contract with the Salillari firm

On December 31, 2024, at the Public Procurement Agency, while Balluku and Gjyli were appearing in the media at the Arbri road construction site, the Albanian Road Authority made a simple announcement.

In fact, it is easy to read, while to decipher it, the ARA specialists seem to have falsified the letters for the construction company.

But, if on the one hand Balluku and Rama appear arrogant as they inaugurate the Great Ring Road, why are the contracts being modified or the funds being increased? How much money has Balluku promised the "Salillari" firm, perhaps just to look good in public?

And, most importantly, if the work is completed, why does the contract need to be modified?

The documents state that the object of the procurement procedure is "modification of the contract for the extension of the deadline for the completion, reconciliation and continuation of the works on Sheshi Shqiponja - Lumi i Tiranës, Lot 1 and QMT".

The announcement was made at noon on December 31, 2024, while the announcement seems to serve more the firm or even the government's propaganda with the Great Ring.

It received 23 million euros in 2021, how much additional money was promised to
Facsimile: In 2021, the Salillari firm won the tender worth 2.3 billion, or 23 million euros

VoxNews browsed the documents of the large tender, of 2021. At that time, the procedure for "completion, reconciliation and continuation of the works of
Shqiponja Square - Tirana River, Lot 1 and QMT" was finalized, with a fund of 2,375,552,033 lek.

Salillari participated in the 2021 tender with a bid of 2,283,897,638 lek and GENER 2 with a bid of 2,375,552,033. The second bid was disqualified, while Salillari emerged as the winner.

At that time, the tender was signed by the former director of the Albanian National Agency for the Protection of the Environment, Evis Berberi.

The document stated that the deadline was 24 months, but the deadline has expired and the works have not yet been completed.

Perhaps, with these postponements, the aim is to increase funds.

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