Zotkaj of Poliçan gives 184 hectares to the former director of Alpetrol without competition to install solar panels!

2025-02-02 19:33:25Investigim SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Adriatic Zotkaj

The former director of Alpetrol, Endri Puka, has won a super auction to acquire a huge property in the Municipality of Poliçan. The Mayor, Adriatik Zotkaj, in his last term, has started to let go, where after trying to make his son a big businessman, he is also giving away public properties for a piece of bread.

A full 184 hectares in the Tërpan area have passed into the "hands" of the former director, who has now become a big businessman, emerging from the "shadow" of Koço Kokëdhima, with whom he worked for years.

Puka now directly and indirectly owns a multitude of companies, as he has moved shares and headquarters, perhaps to lose track. But the ownership of the company DELVNA SOLAR, which is also the winner of the auction in Poliçan, has moved from Endri Puka to several Bulgarian and Macedonian citizens. In fact, the company's administrator was also Mrs. Ela Puka, the wife of the former director.

Zotkaj of Poliçan gives 184 hectares to the former director of Alpetrol
Facsimile: Announcement of the winner of the auction for a huge property in the village of Tërpan in Poliçan

According to documents available to VoxNews, the Municipality of Poliçan announced the winner of an auction for a huge property a few days ago. The winner was the company "DELVINA SOLAR" shpk, with an address in Tirana.

The document states that the auction had an object "to provide for the use of the area of ??the pasture fund with a total area of ??184.4 ha". There are several properties with different areas spread over the Mali Tërpan forest economy, Tërpan administrative unit, owned by the municipality for the placement of stations, foundations for photovoltaic panels for the purpose of energy production.

"We announce that the following bidders participated in the procedure with the respective values ??offered: DELVINA SOLAR, with a value of 21,992,960 lek/year." So, apart from this firm, there was no other firm, raising great doubts that everything was predetermined.

Zotkaj of Poliçan gives 184 hectares to the former director of Alpetrol
Facsimile: Ownership document of DELVINA SOLAR, where Mr. Endri Puka, former director of Alpetrol, is also listed as the owner

Zotkaj of Poliçan gives 184 hectares to the former director of Alpetrol

VoxNews reviewed the documents of the DELVINA SOLAR company at the National Business Center. The company has had several Bulgarian citizens as owners, and its headquarters have also changed, as the parent company is also registered in Macedonia.

But, some time ago, a law was passed that required all companies to file beneficial owners with the Central Bank, which resulted in the name of Mr. Endri Puka, former director of Alpetrol, the state-owned oil company, which manages several oil fields and has oil concessionaires under "control".


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