By Mero Baze
I was wondering what great damage I might have done to Saleh Berisha these days when he comes out in the sun and in half a sentence praises the journalists who are uncovering the truth about corruption and in the other half attacks me for the tower of the son in the middle of Tirana.
To tell you that I did damage to the tower, I did not do any damage, that the work is continuing, even after the turmoil that the shareholders had after the debate.
The maximum that happened is that they quarreled with Shkëlzen, why are you putting us in a difficult position.
Shkëlzeni continues to live in a luxurious villa that costs over 10,000 euros per month, for which Berisha has called the EU ambassador, Romana Vlahuti, why he took a villa like that for the EU offices, but for his son agrees that it belongs to him, because he has it in the name of Shtuf, the "owner" of the tower.
I can't say that Luli has gained a lot from this debate, even though Berisha has accused him of being behind the attack.
His Taliban are not people who think, blush, or are ashamed of any of his deeds. If that had happened, he would not have Shkëlzen with him. The thing is, they're behind him to protect his woes, not to distance themselves from them.
So even that doesn't convince me that it pissed him off.
Let me tell you that since this debate, he is worried that Rama is harmed and Erion Veliaj wins, as his entire press entourage has said, and he himself is not serious. He has said it more so that he seems to be a fellow sufferer with Rama, that as this one had a faithful one, Rama will also have one, that is why he called them to stay together around the tower.
To say that the debate over the tower has damaged him as it has made him weak, corrupt and above all a langaraq who runs after the bones of Edi Rama, is believable, but he is not ashamed of the facts. He has no problem saying that it is Lulu's tower.
Të them që është trembur nga padia e PD rreth kullës dhe hetimi pasuror i Zenit dhe rrethit të tij me këtë rast, nuk besoj, pasi SPAK ka dhënë prova deri tani, që derisa nuk merr ende Berishën në pyetje për vrasje, nuk ka ndërmend të marrë njeri në pyetje për punë lekësh nga ajo familje.
E vetmja gjë që më shkon në mendje, është pak perverse. Më është mbushur mendja se mos këta shokët e Shkëlzenit, në emër të të cilëve ai ka hedhur tokat në bregdet nga Lalzi në Ksamil, pallatet, kullën e çdo tjetër, mund t’i kenë dhënë shenja që s’kanë ndërmend t'ia kthejnë, se do kenë telashe.
Ose i kanë rritur çmimin për këtë shërbim të rrezikshëm, kur kanë parë që mund t’i gjejë si këta të tjerët që po dënohen se kanë prona në emër të shokëve dhe shoqeve.
This seems quite the trouble for a family of thieves, who hold the properties in the name of the world and it is the only thing that worries them.
It would be good news, since in the absence of justice that should come from the system, it is a justice that comes from the fear of the system.
And in these cases, the real problem of a family of thieves is the other thieves. Sometimes this is the solution.