Blendi Gonxhja reacts to the accusations of the PD of Berisha and has a piece of advice for them: Do not lose any sense of the truth

2023-09-23 09:50:50Politikë SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Blendi Gonxha

General Director of the General Directorate of Road Transport Services, Blendi Gonxhja has made a public clarification reacting to the accusations made against him and his family last week by 'Rithemelimi'. Describing them as fake news, Gonxhe has reacted to every accusation.

Gonxja points out that she wishes with all her heart that the PD does not rush, to show that it knows the law and that it respects the tax payer and legal business! It is not at all fair to play with recycling accusations that are reposted by some portals, and then without any analysis or verification they are thrown in a barrage! This is how it loses all meaning and every reference point of truth, while today opinion and society need seriousness, realism and objectivity!".

Gonxhe's full reaction:

PUBLIC CLARIFICATION: Last Saturday, the DP of Saliu re-accused me and my family, with a copy-paste collage, taken from several portals, without even updating anything, with the most banal laziness, as they appeared in 2020, even though most of the accusations had get answer = FAKE US!

1. No public funds have been benefited, in conflict of interest, from the activities of my family! There is no conflict of interest between my duty and private interests! My family and I periodically declare to ILKDPI every year!

2. The value that PD is talking about belongs to the 14-year-old from 2010, a total of 23 million new alleks, of which only the value of 3.1 million new alleks belongs to my time in the task I currently perform, that is 13.5%! It is declared intentionally 8 times to inflate it, but even the value of 3.1 million lek is not in violation of the law on the conflict of interest!

3. Even from the value in question (3.1 million ALL), 1.7 million are some small purchases, where no declaration of conflict is even required from the subject, in transparent procedures, with the lowest price, and only 1 procedure of 1.4 million ALL is subject declaration - completely legal! So from the charge of 23 million ALL, we went to 1.4 million! 16.5 zoom, zoom, zoom!

4. Based on the law no. 9367, dated 7.4.2005 "On the prevention of conflict of interests in the exercise of public functions" (amended) article 3, point 1, "Conflict of Interest" is the state of conflict between the public duty and the private interests of an official, in which which he has private interests, direct or indirect, that affect, may affect or appear to affect the improper performance of his public duties and responsibilities. If we look at article 31 of the law, the exception from the general rule applies to the holders of other state institutions that are not civil service, such as my case. So, it is enough that the contract is not related to the institution that the official leads.

Explained differently, the conflict of interest exists in those cases where the official with his authority can influence the conclusion of an administrative contract. Influence as an official normally cannot extend beyond the field or competence where he exercises his duties in another competence. There can be no influence in the decision-making of an institution with another area of ??responsibility for another. This as a concept expands more if you also read article 4 of the law, which states that the rules for the prevention of conflict of interest are mandatory to be applied by every official when he participates in a decision-making process for administrative acts and contracts. Which is not my case. So even for the 1.4 million ALL service, there is 0 conflict of interest! Kokoshi didn't get even in 1 thread, but it was ZERO because = FAKE US!

5. For DP, Saliu or anyone curious, although I am not at all obliged to defend myself because I have not violated any law or any moral code, I am also clarifying an important report! In 14 years of activity, family firms have billed for public entities only 1.22% of the total commercial turnover! Chronologically: 2010 - 4.1%, 2011 - 0.64%, 2012 - 1.4%, 2013 - 0.4%, 2014 - 1.5%, 2015 - 2.7%, 2016 - 1.4%, 2017 - 2.1%, 2018 - 1.2%, 2019 - 1. 67 %, 2020 - 0%, 2021 - 0%, 2022 - 0%, 2023 - 0%! Public funds neither hold nor have specific weight in the fortunes and success of my family's activity in Albania, founded in October 2009! There is no upward curve in years, nor parallel indicators with my engagements in various leadership roles at the local level, from August 2015 in the Municipality of Tirana and even after that from December 2018 in DPSHTRR! On the contrary, there are numbers!

6. My family's company does not specifically exercise any of the functions that conflict with the DPSHTRR: it does not issue license plates, it does not issue licenses, it does not have vehicles or driving school courses, it does not have any exclusive license, nor regular city or intercity passenger lines or international, and does not enjoy any privilege/concession arising from my duty! Conversely: DPSHTRR neither rents cars nor offers driver services!

7. For the period 2010-2023, the companies of my family have only paid tax obligations to the state of 137.2 million new lek (source E-Tax, Dpt)!

8. How did my son earn 200 thousand dollars when there is no balance in the commercial registers? My family's activities respect legal obligations by correctly declaring all income to the competent tax authority. In terms of Law No. 9723 Dt. 3.05.2007, for KKB, article 19, the obligations for all mandatory data for reflection have been fulfilled!

In the sense of Article 32 of this law, for our commercial status the balance sheet is not mandatory. Accusation of hiding the balance = FAKE US! My family's 14-year-old business employs 15-20 employees! As a company, my wife, my son and I, together, have paid the state, as an example only for the year 2019, the value of 8.4 million new lek (which does not include the annual taxes of the Fleet, which are another 4.9 million lek)! Even if we were, which we are not, in conditions of conflict of interest for the 1.4 million ALL fund, where the profit was calculated at about 15% of it, or 0.21 million new ALL (1500 Euros), this "benefit" for the year 2019 would be as much as 1 /40 of what I and my family have contributed as a total to the state, just in one year! ??

9. Për emergjencën e tërmetit, si akt përgjegjësie sociale, firmat e familjes sime kanë ofruar ndihmë në vlerën e 5,000 Eu! Gjatë pandemisë firmat e familjes nuk kanë përfituar asnjë pagë lufte, bonus ndihme apo ndonjë rimbursim nga buxheti i shtetit!

10. Si i gjeneron burimet, financimet, investimet, familja ime? Sipas raportit të Bankës së Shqipërisë në vite, aktivitetet e mia e të familjarëve të mi, puna e besueshmëria, janë mbështetur me mbi 6 milionë Euro kredi, leasing financiar e overdrafte!

11. Akuzohem se një subjekt privat, paska marre mjete me qera në aktivitetet e familjes sime! E pastaj? Çdo subjekt aktiv privat, i aftë të paguajë e të kontraktojë shërbime me qera, është i mirëpritur! Fall do shtinim në vitin 2019 se për çdo hetoej ky subjekt privat disa vite më pas? Përderisa ofrohet një shërbim i fiskalizuar, çdo aludim = NON SENSE!

12. Tendera fiktivë? Cdmth? Bazuar në cilin raport auditi apo të KLSH? Mbi cilat fakte? Mbi cilat prova bazohet kjo shpifje e ulët? Pra = FAKE NEËS!

13. Mbulimin e Autoshkollave që nuk plotësojnë kriteret? ËOË, po a nuk isha unë që u linçova sepse luftova për kursin jo gjysmak, për standardet dhe cilësinë e Autoshkollimit dhe PD kundërshtoi kostot dysheme që do të eliminonin konkurrencën e pandershme dhe kurset fiktive? FAKE NEËS dhe hipokrizi totale! TURP!

14. Rryshfet për Licensat e Transportit? FAKE NEËS! Gjatë periudhës që drejtoj DPSHTRR-në nuk është shtuar asnjë linjë a licensë e re, nuk ekziston asnjë ankesë apo denoncim konkret për vonesë apo pengesë rinovimi, madje kemi revolucionarizuar mes eTransport shërbimet online për operatorët, duke zeruar kostot dhe kohën e pritjes, kemi zgjatur afatet e vlefshmërive dhe digjitalizuar aplikimet e sektorit të licensimit!

15. Dhënia e disa shërbimeve me koncesion? FAKE NEËS! Unë dhe DPSHTRR do të mbahemi mend sesi Kolaudimi u kthye në shërbim publik, sesi nuk u lejua kalimi i Kontrollit Fizik apo lëshimi i Leje Drejtimit tek privati, sesi u konsolidua Automotorizimi Shqiptar në kohë rekord duke u bërë sot një ent model suksesi e efiçience! 

16. Thonë se disponoj 4 vetura luksoze familjare? 32 automjete RETRO që i disponon im bir? 70 Taksi që i japim me qira? ALBARENT, biznesi familjar dhe Dante Gonxhja, biznesi person fizik, sëbashku, operojnë me mbi 250 automjete, mes tyre edhe disa luksoze, madje më shumë se 4 të tilla, ndaj akuza është NONSENS! Akuza se im bir posedon 32 automjete RETRO është FAKE NEËS, jo se nuk mundemi (projekti RETRO i DPSHTRR ua mundëson këtë hobi të gjithë të apasionuarve), por se nuk kemi vendosur të regjistrojmë të tilla! Akuza se posedojmë 70 mjete TAKSI që i japim me qera (pra presupozohet të licensuara ose posaçërisht për shërbim TAKSI) është FAKE NEËS! Por dhe NONSENS sepse bizneset tona familjare operojnë mbi 250 mjete me qera, pra ku është kuptimi dhe leverdia që të fshehim 70 mjete?

17. Flota e aktiviteteve të familjes dhe detyra ime! Është sikur të akuzosh një kryetar bashkie se përse paguan taksë pasurie në arkën e bashkisë prej apartamenteve që posedon në njësinë administrative ku ushtron mandatin e tij! Automotorizimi Shqiptar mbahet me taksat e tarifat e mjeteve rrugore, të cilat sa më shumë të regjistrohen, aq më shumë merr buxheti i shtetit 95% të TVMP e TVML vjetore të mjeteve rrugore, nga të cilat 25% i shkojnë bashkive! Pra unë e familja duhet të jemi krenarë që aktivitetet e familjes sime gjenerojnë taksa e të ardhura për DPSHTRR, buxhetin e shtetit dhe për Bashkinë Tiranë! E jo të baltosemi se punohet me makina! Boll me NON SENSE!

Gjithësesi, edhe pse mes akuzave ka NONSENS-e e plot BUDALLËQE, sa i takon nderit dhe aktivitetit të familjes, për dëmin eventual që pësohet nga shpifje e akuza të tilla të pabazuara, do të ketë reagim konkret ligjor!

Unë jam i hapur për çdo verifikim, sikurse jam më i motivuar se kurrë që të mos lejoj askënd të shpifë për mua ose në dëm të emrit e familjes sime!

Në konkluzion: Do uroja me zemër që PD të mos nxitohet, të tregojë se e njeh ligjin dhe se e respekton taksapaguesin e biznesin e ligjshëm! Nuk është aspak e ndershme të luhet me riciklim akuzash që i ripostojnë ca portale, e më pas pa asnjë analizë a verifikim të shprazen në breshëri! Kështu humb çdo sens e çdo pikë referimi e së vërtetës ndërsa sot opinioni dhe shoqëria kanë nevojë për seriozitet, realizëm e objektivitet!

PS: I tried to exhaust each one of the accusations, hoping that this applies to constructive listeners and readers, so that they don't fall prey to misinformation and misinterpretation, even if from the official pulpit! My respect for the public exceeds the indifference that such poor accusations deserve, that more than I believe they damage the profile of Saliu's shooters! That's why I barely found time today to talk again about the DP Communist Saturday!
