The well-known comedy actress, Esmeralda Metkaj, known as Cubi, seems to have confirmed the rumors that have circulated in the pink media, that the moderation of Orange by Kiara Tito, has not been received so well among the ranks of the comedy troupe.
Invited to Top Albania Radio, Cubi has expressed her desire to be part of the moderation of the "Orange" show, which starts on October 6.
Salsano: Would you like to be the presenter of Orange?
Cubi: Of course it is! But they took me away at the last moment.
Elona Duro: Who took Nevina or Kiara?
Cubi: Kiara, this young one. (laughs).
Elona Duro: That's why I love Cub, bam bam there.
Salsano: Did you show this desire before or never?
Cubi: I had seen it in my dreams. I told someone but he didn't listen to me...
Although Cubi made the statement jokingly, the joke is half the truth. A few days ago it was rumored that even Salasano was unhappy with the selection of Kiara, but finally his direction alongside the two girls has been confirmed.