The moment of Donald and Snow's kiss in BBV1 was undoubtedly one of the most watched videos of that edition, which went viral in record time.
Regarding this situation, Donald Veshaj was asked in an interview given to "Gallery".
Donladi has shown that it is a very exciting moment but that he did not have the courage to see it as a video, not only this but all of Big's videos.
As the picture of Bora and Donald appeared on the big screen, the latter said:
" I'm looking at it now. Since I got out of Big I haven't seen, I haven't had that courage more precisely. This video was published by Romeo. It was my meeting with Bora, very emotional, very exciting. All emotions have been strong emotions.
I don't believe much in statistics, because I don't like to see and check them, but as an emotion and a moment, it was very strong and I think it's one of those emotions that will never leave my mind and never they are easy to forget. It was a real emotion, a sincere emotion, a complicated situation and a very very strong feeling ".
Asked if he discussed this moment with Bora, he answered:
" There have been discussions, debates, fights, war, bombs, mines and all. They have passed, but I personally did not have the courage to go in and look at it because I did not want to go back to the emotions once again, I was afraid . "