Foreign media: CIA informs Israel that Iran is expected to attack within 48 hours

2024-04-03 18:47:40Kosova&Bota SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Illustrative photo: Missiles of the Iranian Army

The destruction of the Iranian consulate in Syria that killed dozens of senior Iranian officials and generals risks escalating into a major war in the region.

This is how some media in the Middle East report, according to which, the American intelligence service CIA has warned Israel to expect a military response from Iran within 48 hours.

Earlier, senior officials in Iran reacted to the attack by stating that their country already has every right to respond to Israel's attack on their consulate.

Iran is said to be planning a combined attack with a "rain" of drones and missiles fired from its bases at strategic locations inside Israel, according to Al Mayadeen.
