Car concessionaires "abandon" SPAK, do not participate in the 300 thousand euro tender!

2024-12-02 12:33:14Investigim SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX

Two tenders announced by SPAK for the purchase of cars have failed, as no firm has participated. No company will do "business" with the Special Prosecution Against Corruption and Organized Crime, from the construction of buildings, the purchase of cars or even other work tools.

Even the car concessionaires have "abandoned" SPAK, which has created a "shadow" for all firms and institutions.

But if we analyze the proper names that are the owners of these concessionaires, then we will also understand the reason, since these businessmen have received permits for the construction of palaces, resorts, have received concessions or have even been announced as strategic investors.

Some of them may be under investigation, for relations with accused politicians or even for relations with individuals with a criminal past, detained or arrested by order of the prosecution.

Car concessionaires "abandon" SPAK, do not participate in the 300
Facsimile: Cancellation of the 138 thousand euro tender for the purchase of electric cars

VoxNews has secured the documents of the canceled tender, where SPAK notified the Public Procurement Agency about the cancellation of the first tender.

It is about the procedure with the object "purchase of electric SUV type vehicles", with a limit fund of 138 thousand euros.

 SPAK writes that the reasons for the cancellation are because "in the phased procedures, no suitable request was submitted".

More than the decision, it seems that the concessionaires have become a block to SPAK, since if you look at their websites, all these companies advertise electric cars.

If this procedure were opened by any other state institution, then these firms would "fight" with each other to win the fund.

However, the work with SPAK is different, since all of them, even those with Chinese tools, did not want to make an offer.

Car concessionaires "abandon" SPAK, do not participate in the 300
Facsimile: Cancellation of the 154 thousand euro tender for the purchase of SUV cars

Meanwhile, in parallel with the tender for the purchase of electric cars, SPAK has also notified APP about the cancellation of the procedure for the purchase of SUV cars.

The object of this procedure was the "purchase of off-road SUV type vehicles", with a limit fund of 154,083 euros without VAT.

Both procedures, that of electric cars and that of SUV cars, had a value of about 300 thousand euros without VAT.

In the second tender, SPAK writes again that "in the phased procedures, no suitable request was submitted".

So both procedures failed, despite the high value. Be a coincidence?!

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