Surprise in Has/ The City Hall tenders 10,000 euros for a tourist trip of City Councilors to England!

2024-11-18 13:25:21Investigim SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Miftar Dauti: Mayor of Has

Hasi and Kukësi are the two cities with the largest emigration in England, where young people tend to leave for the "promised land".

In fact, the British Embassy in Tirana has made several programs on how to curb this phenomenon, helping municipalities or even businesses for new jobs.

But there are still departures, so much so that during the summer, when the emigrants return, the streets of the two northern cities are filled with vehicles with English license plates, so much so that it seems that this province is not Albania's but an English region.

But what does the local government do to keep the youth?

Instead of municipal officials or councilors committing themselves to the drafting of workplace policies, to helping local families, these officials want to "immigrate" to England themselves.

Someone to meet relatives, others for tourists or even for shopping. However, the trips are not being made with the personal money of the local officials, but with the income of the small municipality.

Surprise in Has/ The City Hall tenders 10,000 euros for a tourist trip of City
Facsimile: Tender issued by Hass Municipality for councilors' travel to Wales and England

The above document is a tender that the Municipality of Has has opened. According to the documents available to VoxNews , the mayor of this city, Miftar Dauti , has ordered the making of this tender with the small value procurement procedure with a limited fund of 833,333 ALL, where with VAT the amount is about 10 thousand euros.

The object of the tender is "study visit of Has Municipality councilors", while the tender was made on November 14, 2024.

In the same documents, the technical specifications of the service are also written, where round-trip tickets are required for 21 people, on November 28-30, 2024. Quite a few selected dates, which are related to the holiday of Independence and Freedom.

It seems that this is not a study visit, but a tourist visit of these advisers to England, coinciding with the November holidays.

The municipality of Has has also made an agenda for the councilors, where the movement from Tirana to Wales is required, initially the meeting place "Pentypool and Usk" in Wales.

The departure will take place on November 28, from Rinas to Wales, one night stay at the hotel and on November 29, 2024 the meeting from 10:00-16:00.

After the meeting, travel from Wales to London and then to the hotel and sightseeing.

On November 30, a visit to different places in London and a dinner trip to the airport for returning to Albania are required.

The municipality's urgency appears in this document, as it writes that "within 30 minutes from the announcement of the winner, the system must contact Has Municipality via the electronic system (message menu) to undertake the obligation and send the itinerary or to notify the reasons for the impossibility of realizing the object, otherwise it will be disqualified".

And, the term of delivery of the service/realization will be within 1 hour from the moment of the announcement of the winner.

It seems that this trip is a pure waste of public money, as the trip is not for business but tourism.

And sending 21 people, with transportation, food and lodging, is a pure abuse of office.

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