The Public Procurement Commission, headed by Jonaid Myzyri, is involved in a pure corruption scheme, where some firms are favored to benefit from millions of euros in public works. At the center of this scheme are two companies, "REJ" of the family of Eduart Kapri, the former mayor of Pogradec Municipality, and the company "Alko Impex", with administrator Arbër Abazi, the grandson of the former MP Sadri Abazi. The chairman of the KPP, Jonaid Myzyri, once a lawyer of Abazi, has given former employers about 13 million euros, with dubious decisions of this commission.
Meanwhile, after the initiation of successive investigations and denunciations, Myzyri has stopped favoring "Alko Impex", "selecting" the firm "REJ", which cooperates very closely with the Abazis. From the year 2021, when he was elected at the head of the KPP, Myzyri has favored the company of Eduart Kapri a full 24 times, where the value of all tenders reaches the frightening figure of 25 MILLION EUROS.
VoxNews has provided the complete list of KPP decisions in favor of the "REJ" company, where the scheme is simple; tenders are opened by the institutions, which declare the companies with the lowest offers as winners. "REJ" enters the competition with an offer close to the limit fund, which does not win at the "first level". "REJ" complains to the Public Procurement Commission, which disqualifies the lowest bids and declares the company "REJ" the winner. There are doubts that the difference between the lowest bid and the one that is declared the winner by the Kapri firm, is precisely the bribe.
But what decisions has the KPP given in favor of the Kapri family?!
A few days ago, VoxNews published an investigation about a tender in the Municipality of Pogradec , where "REJ" was the winner of the big procedure, but "Alko Impex" is finishing the works with an additional fund. A pure collaboration between the Kapri and Abazi families, who received the blessing of Ilir Xhakoll, the mayor of Pogradec.
After the publication of this scandal, information came to VoxNews that "Kapri Pogradec's company is connected to the chairman of the KPP, since Myzyri has given all the complaints made by 'REJ' in his favor. The 'godfather' of this relationship is Arbër Abazi, grandson of Sadri Abazi, administrator of the company 'Alko Impex' where Myzyri was a lawyer".
VoxNews researched hundreds of KPP decisions, where the "REJ" firm was clearly favored by the Public Procurement Commission, despite having the highest bids. With the aforementioned scheme, Myzyri - Abazi - Kapri have caused tens of millions of euros in damage to the Albanian state. The law-enforcement bodies have the evidence open, as only a verification in the APP, KPP or even in the institutions is enough to completely unravel the scheme.
Decision dated 07.11.2024;
The tender with the object "Construction of the internal road network, the engineering network in the Military Department no. 1033, Poçeste, Korça". A complaint by the company "REJ", where the Commission decided to "partially accept the complaint submitted by the economic operator 'REJ', with a limited fund of ALL 275,186,092 without VAT, developed on July 10, 2024 by the contracting authority, the Ministry of Defense. This tender was won by "REJ" by decision of the KPP.
Decision dated 25.10.2024
The tender with the object "Cleaning, collection and disposal of urban and solid waste, maintenance of public spaces and cemeteries for the Laç Administrative Unit". KPP decided to partially accept the complaint of the economic operator "Rej" LLC for the above procurement procedure.
Decision dated 23.09.2024
The tender with the object "Cleaning service of administrative units Novoselë, center Vlorë and Shušicë for the year 2023", with a limited fund of ALL 31,467,958 without VAT". KPP decided to partially accept the complaint of the economic operator "REJ", developed on 31.05.2023, by the contracting authority, Vlora Municipality.
Decision dated 23.09.2024
The tender with the object "Maintenance with performance, the road K/Z?blak - Goricë - Dogane, + Bilisht - Miras" with a limited fund of ALL 191,331,834.08 without VAT". The Commission decided to consider the complaint of "REJ", which complained about the standard tender documents.
Decision dated 23.09.2024
The tender with the object "Maintenance with performance Libonik - Lozhan - Molla Grabovë (Gramsh border), L = 53.1 km" with a limited fund of ALL 165,257,579.35 without VAT. The complaint of "REJ" was about the documents, a complaint which was taken into account by the KPP.
Decision dated 23.09.2024
Tender with object "Maintenance with performance: Ring - Erseke (2.1) + Erseke - Leskovik (42.8) + Rr. Leskovik - Three Bridges (Customs) (13.7), L = 58.7 km" with a limit fund of ALL 112,066,021.86 without VAT'. The complaint of "REJ" was about the documents, a complaint which was taken into account by the KPP.
Decision dated 23.09.2024
The tender with the object "Maintenance with performance: Librazhd - Fushë Studë - Borovo - Sebisht (35.5) + Urakë - Golik, (8.6). L= 44.1 km" with a limited fund of ALL 134,481,255.66 without VAT. The complaint of "REJ" was about the documents, a complaint which was taken into account by the KPP.
Decision dated 23.09.2024
Tender with object "Maintenance with performance: Gramsh - Mollë Grabovë (Korçe border) (23.7) + Gramsh - K/Drize (6.9) + K/Drize - Banje (8.7) + K/Drize - Kaçivel (Elbasan) (6.6) + Drize – Porocan (Holtes Canyon) (8.7). L = 54.6 km" with a limited fund of ALL 175,842,112.33 without VAT. The complaint of "REJ" was about the documents, a complaint which was taken into account by the KPP.
Decision dated 23.09.2024
Tenderi me objekt “Mirëmbajtje me performancë: Korce - Erseke (Rruga e re) (34.2), dhe Deg. Q. e Qarit - Erseke (Rruga e vjeter) (25.1), L = 55.9 km” me fond limit 177,439,235.94 lekë pa TVSH”. Ankesa e “REJ” ishte për dokumentet, ankesë e cila u mor parasysh nga KPP.
Vendimi i datës 23.09.2024
Tenderi me objekt “Mirëmbajtje me performancë: rruga K/Podgorie (Lapidari) - Kryqëzim Liqenas, (19.6) + K/Boboshticë - Dardhë (13.6), L = 33.2 km” me fond limit 133,174,078.34 lekë pa TVSH. Ankesa e “REJ” ishte për dokumentet, ankesë e cila u mor parasysh nga KPP.
Vendimi i datës 23.09.2024
Tenderi me objekt “Mirëmbajtje me performancë: Korcë - Voskopojë (18.23) + Libonik - Rëmbec - Plasë (12.2), L = 30.4 km” me fond limit 122,410,337.69 lekë pa TVSH. Ankesa e “REJ” ishte për dokumentet, ankesë e cila u mor parasysh nga KPP.
Vendimi i datës 17.09.2024
Tenderi me objekt “Shërbimi i Pastrimit të Njësisë Administrative Sukth”, me fond limit 20,474,895 lekë pa TVSH. Ankesa e “REJ” ishte për dokumentet, ankesë e cila u mor parasysh nga KPP.
Vendimi i datës 02.09.2024
Tenderi me objekt “Shërbimi i pastrimit të njësive administrative Novoselë, qendër Vlorë dhe Shushicë për vitin 2023”, me fond limit 31,467,958 lekë pa TVSH. KPP vendosi të pranojë pjesërisht ankesën e “REJ”, duke ia dhënë fitoren “në tavolinë”, pavarësisht ofertës më të madhe.
Vendimi i datës 05.07.2024
Tenderi me objekt “Sistemim - asfaltim i rrugës Funarës-Zdranjsh, Njësia Administrative Orenje, Bashkia Librazhd”, me fond limit 75,000,000.00 lekë pa TVSH. Ankesa e “REJ” ishte për dokumentet, ankesë e cila u mor parasysh nga KPP.
Vendimi i datës 22.05.2024
Tenderi me objekt “Shtresë tapeti për rrugët e vitit 2023”, me fond limit 33,332,206 lekë pa TVSH. Ankesa e “REJ” ishte për dokumentet, ankesë e cila u mor parasysh nga KPP.
Vendimi i datës 23.04.2024
Tenderi me objekt “Largim, përpunim i mbeturinave (urbane) dhe pastrim i territorit nga dëbora, Spitali Korçë”, me fond limit 1.312.649 lekë pa TVSH. Ankesa e “REJ” ishte për dokumentet, ankesë e cila u mor parasysh nga KPP.
Vendimi i datës 21.11.2023
Tenderi me objekt “Sistemim i Lumit të Buçimasit dhe Rehabilitimi i Infrastrukturës Rrugore”, me fond limit 79.282.029. KPP vendosi të pranojë ankesën e paraqitur nga operatori ekonomik “REJ”, zhvilluar më datë 19.09.2023 nga autoriteti kontraktor, Bashkia Pogradec. KPP-ja e shpalli fitues, pavarësisht se oferta ishte një nga më të lartat.
Vendimi i datës 27.10.2022
Tenderi me objekt “Mirëmbajtje me performancë e segmentit rrugor K/Podgorie - K/Liqena” me fond limit 59.075.701 lekë pa TVSH. KPP vendosi të pranojë ankesën e paraqitur nga “REJ”, duke ndryshuar edhe fituesin pavarësisht ofertës më të lartë. Fitues u shpall “REJ”.
Vendimi i datës 23.09.2022
The tender with the object "Cleaning service for the University Hospital of Trauma", with a limited fund of ALL 137,991,275 without VAT. KPP decided to accept the complaint of "REJ", declaring it the winner of the tender opened by the State Agency of Centralized Procurement in 2022.
Decision dated 16.05.2022
The tender with the object "Cleaning service of the territory of Himar Municipality", with a limited fund of ALL 289,674,042 without VAT. KPP decided to accept the complaint of "REJ", declaring it the winner of the fat procedure.
Decision of 15.09.2021
The tender with the object "Rehabilitation of Rrodokali road, Proptisht administrative unit", with a limited fund of ALL 58,333,330 without VAT. KPP decided to accept the complaint of "REJ", for the tender developed on 08.06.2021 by the contracting authority, Pogradec Municipality. The firm of the former mayor of Pogradec was also declared the winner by decision of the KPP, despite the highest bid.
Decision of 24.06.2021
The tender with the object "Cleaning service and collection of urban waste in Lushnje Municipality", with a limited fund of 31,409,034 Lek excluding VAT. KPP decided to accept the complaint submitted by the economic operator "Rej", declaring it the winner.
Decision of 27.01.2021
The tender with the object "Cleaning service of the Sukth Administrative Unit", with a limited fund of ALL 80,731,375 without VAT. KPP decided to accept the complaint submitted by the economic operator "Rej", declaring it the winner.
Decision of 19.03.2021
The tender with the object "Service of cleaning, collection and removal of waste of the city of Cërrik and Administrative Units", with a limited fund of 24,951,604 ALL without VAT. The complaint of "REJ" was about the documents, a complaint which was taken into account by the KPP.
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