The Mayor of Pogradec, Ilir Xhakolli , has allocated an additional fund for the completion of the Buçimas road works.
Although the road should have been completed, Xhakolli has suddenly given an additional fund, with a value of 160 thousand euros.
According to the documents available to the editorial office of VoxNews, the big tender was won by the company "REJ", with administrator Mr. Luan Kapri, the brother of the former Mayor of Pogradec Eduart Kapri.
However, later the road was not completed and the current mayor gave the company "Alko Impex" the value of the addition.
A big affair, given that all parties, be it the first or the second firm, have strong political connections.
But, if he were to add this amount, shouldn't he first denounce the first company, i.e. "REJ"?
Has the Municipality of Pogradec made any inspection, report or report for the non-completion of the works?
In this case, the editors can raise dozens of questions, but what is most disturbing is that money is constantly thrown and the roads never end.
Xhakolli seems to have found the scheme used by ministers or road directors, where they throw money several times for the same work.
On December 14, 2023, the Municipality of Pogradec announced the winner of the tender with the object of the contract "Systemization of the Buçimas River and Rehabilitation of the Road Infrastructure", with a limit fund of the procedure of 79,282,029 ALL without VAT with a duration of 8 months.
The works should have been completed in August 2024, as even to this day those works have not been done.
The winner of this procedure is the firm "REJ", with administrator and owner Mr. Luan Kapri, the brother of the former mayor, who won by competing with dozens of other firms.
Ironically, of the 9 firms that participated, most were disqualified, the ones that had given the least amount of money. "REJ" was declared the winner, with an offer of 70,743,198 Lek excluding VAT.
In 2023, the company "ALKO-IMPEX" was also in the competition, whose offer was considered unsuccessful at that time by the Municipality of Pogradec.
Meanwhile, just a few months later, the mayor of Pogradec, Ilir Xhakolli, changed his mind. He has "qualified" the firm "Alko Impex", not for the big tender, but to complete the works.
But if the term was 8 months and ended in August 2024, why didn't it end on time?!
In the document, it is written that it is about the object of the contract "completion of the works of the object 'Systemization of the Buçimas River and the rehabilitation of the Road infrastructure - Lot 1".
The building is expected to be completed, but what did "REJ" leave undone?
The fund of this procedure is about 160 thousand euros, as the firm "Alko..." has several weeks to complete.
VoxNews has also provided the additional documents of this tender, where it is written that "the segment of the road which is handled by this project starts at the intersection of the road 'Gurras - Buçimas' and ends at the intersection of the road 'Pogradec - Tushemisht'."
"This facility was part of the 2023 investments made by Pogradec Municipality. During the implementation of works in the object, it turned out that the volume of works foreseen in the initial preventive project needed revisions. The contractor of the works and the supervisor of the works drew up the revised preventive draft of the contract, which was approved by the Pogradec Municipality. In order to successfully carry out the investment in this object, the fund with a value of ALL 15,995,027 with VAT must be added," this document states.
According to the municipality, the additional project envisages an asphalt-concrete layer with quarried stone granules, 4 cm, with machinery - 8010 m2, a layer of decorative concrete slabs on a layer of sand.
The goals according to the relationship will be "creating the conditions and parameters for an improvement of this area.
In fact, the object should have been different.
Either "covering" of the poor works of the "REJ" firm or "honor" given to the winning firm of the additional works. Both firms with strong political connections, where power seems to have no value before money.
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