New directors, but old Avaze. Although at the head of the Albanian Road Authority there has been a "boy of the house", where Gentian Gjyli raised the career ladder from a simple employee, responsible, deputy director and now director, still the tenders of this institution are very suspicious, where the state budget continues to be "stolen at any time and season". A few days ago, Gjyli signed the tender winners of the Elbasan - Lekaj road, where the difference between the winning bids and those with the lowest values ??was a full 9 million euros. Meanwhile, in a short period of time, Gjyli also signed the tender for the reconstruction of the Fier-Patos-Ballsh-Frataj road, which had a value of 35.7 million euros. In this procedure, two large firms "collided", from those that build roads and have also won concessions, very close to the government. The firm "Gjoka" won this procedure in front of the firm "Salillari", although it had an offer of about 4 million euros higher.
VoxNews browsed the documents of this tender, where it turned out that on October 4, 2024, the Albanian Road Authority opened the tender procedure with the object "rehabilitation of the road Fier - Kthesa e Patosi - Frataj", with a limited fund of ALL 3,539,442,107, excluding VAT. or in euros 35,795,328 euros. The duration of work is 24 months, i.e. 2 years. The criteria for the selection of the winner was the price which was evaluated with 50 points, the schedule of works with 15 points, the staff with 15 points, the proposals with 10 points and so on.
Without wanting to take sides in this process, VoxNews has analyzed the documents where it turns out that the lowest offer was given by the firm "Salillari" with a value of 2,937,000,000 ALL. The second lowest offer was that of the company "Gjoka Konstruksion" with a value of ALL 3,326,482,646, which was also declared the winner by the Albanian Road Authority. From a simple comparison, it turns out that the difference between the lowest offer and the winning one is a full 389,482,646 ALL, or about 4 million euros.
In this document, ARRSH writes that the "Salillari" firm has been disqualified as it failed to present complete and accurate documentation to prove the fulfillment of all the criteria required in the DST. According to them, there was no "support staff" as the staff stated in appendix 8 is engaged in another job. Was this a "scheme" of ARRSH, since by declaring this company the winner in another tender, it disqualified it from the competition for 35.7 million euros?! This remains to be verified by other bodies, but the most obvious is that with one drop of the pencil the state loses about 4 million euros. A lot could be done with that much money.
In the accompanying documents, it is stated that the road axis under study is Fier - Kthesa e Patosi - Ballsh - Fratar. "This road axis is in a very depreciated state, no investments have been made in it for years despite the constant concern of the residents and the treatment of this problem in the media. On these roads, it is worth emphasizing the numerous bends and undulations of the road surface. As a result of the demographic developments that have occurred in the last 20 years, this road in some parts passes through residential centers whose population growth and the lack of investment in the road has simultaneously led to an increase in the number of road accidents" writes the Albanian Road Authority.
But the welcome investment for residents or other users came only a few months before the elections. This is in order to silence the residents that "he is making way for them". Normally, such promises as roads, water, light have been made in Albania for 33 years and at this rate they will never end. With this money, the reconstruction of the existing road, stabilization of slides and reinforcement in some parts of the sole will be done.
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