The former mayor of the Municipality of Vau i Deja, Mark Babani , has won a "concession" to take 125 hectares of sea surface.
After the announcement of the auction a few weeks ago, where the Ministry of Agriculture put "for sale" a full 4,012,000 square meters of water surface, the division of the "cake" has begun.
As expected, exponents strongly connected to the majority would emerge victorious.
And among them is Babani, who has several businesses in several cities of Albania, while he was mayor from the Socialist Party.
He did not run in the last local elections, leaving the baton to his vice president, Kristian Shkreli, strongly supported by Tom Doshi's Social Democratic Party.
However, the party has not left Babani without anything, favoring him in business, giving him the use of a large water area in Lezha.
A few weeks ago, VoxNews published an investigation ( https://www.voxnews.al/investigim/shqiperia-ne-shitje-pas-maleve-fushave-dhe-bregdetit-dalin-ne-ankand--i76639 ) about "the sale of the sea".
With a dubious decision, over 4 million m2 of water surface would be transferred to the private sector, while the first winners have emerged.
Our editorial office continued to follow these procedures, where the Ministry of Agriculture announced the winners at the Public Procurement Agency.
The above notice is the winner of area no. 2, with a total area of ??125 hectares.
"The Ministry of Agriculture has issued a decision number 166, dated 13.11.2024 for the winner of the water surface, based on several scoring decisions for all water categories in inland waters, other forms of fishing in the sea without the use of tools floating and the development of aquaculture on public land and water surface, for the public competition procedure. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development announces the results of the public competition held on 9.10.2024, for the development of aquaculture activity for growing mussels
in the sea, category 02 of the ZPA for bivalve molluscs in the Designated Area for Aquaculture (ZPA), in the coastal area of ??Lezha as follows: ZPA_LEZ_S02_01, where the winner was the team of operators 'Lissus' Adria' shpk and 'Mare Adriatik' shpk. It is about aquaculture growing molluscs in marine waters, where the winner received 83 points," this document states.
However, the announcement does not provide any other information about which firm participated and how many points it received. But, just a sudden announcement.
VoxNews did a research at the National Business Center, where it turns out that the main beneficiary of this auction is Mark Babani.
In the above documents, it appears that Babani is the 100% owner of the company "Mare Adriatik", a company founded in 2003 and whose address is in the area of ??Vau te Deja.
The company's object is the processing and preservation of all types of fish, as well as their import and export, etc.
Meanwhile, Babani is also a shareholder with 45% of the company "Lissus Adria", which was one of the two companies that participated in the auction for the water surface. This company also has as its object the cultivation of mussels and aquaculture products, etc.
The same has happened with the granting of the coast, lands, mountains, and even the sea to people strongly connected to power. Even for a very long time.
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