Albania wins the battle with England, Belgium and Italy for the extradition of drug "boss" Dritan Rexhepi .
He was extradited from Turkey to Albania today, while his arrival at Rinas airport was under "armor" by police forces.
Dritanin Rexhepi was also wanted by the three aforementioned countries, but after his arrest in Turkey, the authorities accepted Albania's request for his extradition.
But who is the drug "boss" and the most wanted Albanian in the world?!
Dritan (Gramos) Rexhepi, an escapee from prisons in three countries, has been described as the first contract killer in Albania.
He is accused in Albania of the murder of two police officers.
His name is also linked to the kidnapping of Jan Prenga in Kamëz in January 2020, after his brother Astrit Prenga is suspected of stealing a significant amount of cocaine in England that came from Latin America, and which belonged to Dritan Rexhepi.
How did your criminal "career" begin?
In 1999, when he was still a teenager (19 years old), he shot police officers in a bar with a Kalashnikov. It is suspected that he was paid for the assassination and his bullets also killed someone else.
The police arrested Rexhepi only in January 2006 in Tirana, in one of the capital's most luxurious hotels, with an unlicensed pistol.
Rexhepi was transferred to the premises of the Durrës Police Directorate, which had jurisdiction over the Kruja area.
That same evening, Rexhepi escaped from the interrogation room after opening a faulty lock with his finger and telling a guard that the police were finished with him.
The court later convicted him in absentia of murder. This was the first of three prison escapes as European police pursued him across the continent on drug trafficking and other charges.
The "master" of prison escapes
Rexhepi would be arrested in 2008 in the Netherlands on behalf of Italian justice in connection with a drug trafficking conviction.
In 2011, he also escaped from Voghera prison in Italy after sawing through the bars of his cell and escaping.
After a few months he was arrested in Spain as a member of a gang suspected of robbing a bank in Barcelona.
He was not held in prison there for long, but Spanish authorities decided to extradite him to Belgium where he was wanted for several serious crimes.
Rexhepi would escape from Antwerp prison again by climbing over a wall.
Herën tjetër që policia e kapi ai ishte në Ekuador në qershor 2014, në posedim të më shumë se 272 kg kokainë, sipas Interpolit, organizatës ndërkombëtare të policisë.
Edhe pse i burgosur, Rexhepi e drejtonte trafikun e kokainës njësoj sikur të ishte në liri nga qelia, përmes një telefoni.
Ishte aleat me një trafikant droge nga Ekuadori me lidhje me kartele të fuqishme në Kolumbi dhe Meksikë. Kokaina dërgohej përtej Atlantikut me anije me kontejnerë, kryesisht në portet e Holandës.
Ndërkohë që ishte në burg në Ekuador në nëntor 2021 kërkoi para lirinë, e njohur si një regjim gjysmë i hapur. Kjo e drejtë, e cila i ishte mohuar në raste të mëparshme, u pranua këtë herë.
Sipas kësaj të drejtë ai duhej të qëndronte në Ekuador deri më 26 qershor të vitit 2027, kur i përfundon dënimi për trafik droge, por duke e vuajtur dënimin në liri.
Rexhepi, i cili njihet edhe me emrat Lulëzim Murataj ose Edmir Kraja, duhej të paraqitej çdo 15 ditë përpara njësisë së riintegrimit social në Guayaquil.
Rexhepi u favorizua me regjimin gjysmë të hapur pasi kishte kryer të paktën dy të pestat e dënimit. Gjithashtu, në datën 4 nëntor 2021, përmendet se kapoja shqiptare “ka një sjellje shumë të mirë”, përveç kësaj nuk regjistron tentativë arratisjeje, po ashtu ka edhe një raport pune.
Rexhepi kishte siguruar autoritetet se do të jetonte në një apartament në Central Park të Samborondón, 14 kilometra nga Guayaquil.
Në këtë kompleks banesash private, një apartament prej 125 m2 mund të kushtojë nga 165 000 USD.
Mirëpo, siç thuhet në raport, më 10 shkurt 2022, Rexhepit i është autorizuar ndërrimi i adresës, por adresa e re nuk është e shënuar. A ishte “zhdukur” sërish.
Krijoi “markën” e tij në biznesin e trafikut të kokainës
Rexhepi kishte nën urdhra të drejtpërdrejtë një numër shqiptarësh në Ekuador, Holandë, Itali dhe Shqipëri dhe partnerë biznesi në pjesën më të madhe të Evropës Perëndimore, të cilët kontrollonin kanalet e shpërndarjes së kokainës në të gjithë kontinentin. Ndërsa grupi i Rexhepit u zgjerua, ai kërkoi të dallohej nga grupet që operonin në tregun e trafikut ndërkombëtar.
“Le të dalim në treg me emrin tonë”, i shkruante koordinatori i grupit në Itali Rexhepit në mars 2016.
“Marka jonë ende nuk njihet”. Rexhepi ia ktheu, duke propozuar emrin Bello. Tullat me kokainë të grupit u vulosën shpejt me këtë markë. Rexhepi e drejtoi kompaninë Bello me karizëm dhe dhunë. Ai urdhëroi sulme dhe të paktën dy vrasje, një në Ekuador dhe një në Shqipëri, sipas policisë italiane. Dritan Rexhepi akuzohet se është kreu i një grupi të fuqishëm të trafikut ndërkombëtar të drogës nga Amerika Latine në Evropë.
"Various documents in the countries where he is wanted identify him as the "undisputed kingpin" with access to "endless amounts of cocaine" from the Bello Company, a cartel made up of 14 Albanian criminal gangs involved in drug trafficking and that, according to authorities, has operated since 2014 in Ecuador, the Netherlands, Belgium, Albania and Italy," The Wall Street Journal wrote in November 2021.
The 45-year-old is considered a person with high social risk, as:
-In 2020, the Criminal Court of Kosovo has assigned the security measure "Arrest in prison", for the criminal offenses "Kidnapping or holding a person hostage", committed in collaboration, "Hiding and destroying a corpse", "Trafficking in narcotics", "Unlicensed possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition" and "Committing criminal offenses by a criminal organization and structured criminal group". Citizen Dritan Rexhepi alias Gramos Rexhepi is accused of having, in collaboration with citizen GD, ordered the kidnapping of citizen JP, after suspecting that in 2019, citizen JP's brother had stolen a container of narcotics owned by the 45-year-old and his accomplice in England;
-In 2015, the Fier Court sentenced him to 4 years in prison for the criminal offenses of "Forgery of ID cards, passports or visas" and "Forgery of seals, stamps or forms";
-In 2013, he was sentenced by the Court for Serious Crimes to 25 years in prison for the criminal offenses of “Premeditated Murder” and “Intentional Serious Injury”, committed in collaboration, as well as “Unauthorized Possession and Production of Weapons, Explosive Weapons and Ammunition”. On 06.10.1999, in a bar in Krujë, the 45-year-old, in collaboration with another citizen, killed citizen DK with a firearm, and wounded the owner of the bar, citizen RB, who later died in hospital;
-In 2010, he was sentenced by the Court of Appeal of Florence, Italy, to 16 years in prison for participating in a structured criminal group for drug trafficking. Citizen Dritan Rexhepi alias Gramos Rexhepi escaped from the place where he was serving this sentence, in Florence. He has 13 years, 8 months and 6 days of this sentence left to serve.