Corruption continues to remain high in Albania, thus constituting one of the main problems that hinder economic development, the further progress of the country and the realization of the governing objectives as a whole, including the main objective of the country - membership in the European Union.
In an environment with widespread corruption, the police has been one of the institutions most exposed and most affected by corruption.
Despite continuous efforts in this direction, police corruption in Albania has not marked any significant decrease.
Yesterday evening, the Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance in Kukës requested security measures for 22 employees of the State Police, accused of abuse of duty and theft, as they allegedly stole about 20 million ALL from the fines imposed on vehicles with license plates the foreigner.
Twenty-two traffic police officers were officially charged with embezzling millions of lek from fines.
It was about the officers of the Milot-Morina Highway Safety Section, who fined several foreign vehicles for traffic violations and, as the law provides, they were paid on the spot by the drivers, but the policemen did not collect them.
So, it is about 160 fines imposed on vehicles with foreign license plates and the money was collected locally by State Police employees.
However, after receiving the fine money as provided by law, these officers did not collect it but kept it themselves.
Measures imposed by the verification agents of the Milot-Morina Highway Safety Unit for the period 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023.
It is known that the fines were in the amount of 200 to 500 thousand old lek, which went directly into the pockets of the policemen.
One of the main operatives involved in the scheme was Gramoz Dafku , who at that time was the head of the traffic section for the National Road.
This open theft took place in 2023, and allegedly lasted for about 9 months.
The scheme how the police appropriated the fines against people with foreign license plates
It is learned that 22 police officers fined foreign citizens who violated the traffic rules.
The fines against them ranged from 200 to 500 thousand old lek and they mostly stopped people with foreign license plates.
Then they took the money themselves and did not hand it over to finance. The police started the investigation 9 months ago after a Kosovo Albanian reported the fine he had paid.
The Police Supervision Agency says that by abusing access to the State Police system and databases, the police officers in the field ascertained the violation, administered the monetary amount by giving the driver the relevant report.
In the following, they did not carry out the collections and did not make the corresponding reflections in the system, with the aim of illegally acquiring monetary values ??from administrative fines, in the amount of 2,200,000 ALL.
Minister Hoxha's "celebration" for the arrest of the policemen
The Minister of the Interior, Ervin Hoxha, takes advantage of this critical moment for the state police for propaganda.
Emphasizing that the actions of the Prosecutor's Office are important for increasing citizens' trust in the State Police.
He expressed satisfaction with the investigation carried out by the Police Supervision Agency, linking it to the process of renewal of the police management structures.
However, it is important to note that these arrests cannot be interpreted as a positive achievement for the minister.
The arrest of employees for illegal activities represents a critical moment for the State Police, which faces great challenges in restoring public trust and stopping corruption within its ranks.
VoxNews on the axis Milot-Morina and the policemen are afraid
After this scandal involving the traffic police, the journalist of our newsroom left for Kukës.
As the following video proves, as soon as the police saw the journalist, they got into their cars and left.
It is not known whether they were scared or were warned to stay away from the media.
Although the number of police officers investigated and convicted for corruption in the last two years has increased, the vast majority of them are from the lower and middle ranks, while there is an increase in public perception of the spread of corruption in the ranks of Police officers.
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