FACTS/ He is a defendant, why is the removal of Arben Ahmetaj's immunity not requested?

2023-04-26 12:50:47Investigim SHKRUAR NGA ENDRIT HABILAJ
Arben Ahmetaj

A little more than a month from the day when Arben Ahmetaj was officially charged by SPAK for his involvement in the incinerators file, there is still no action by SPAK.

The Special Prosecutor's Office has not only not issued a statement regarding the progress of the investigations, but has not publicly questioned the accused former deputy prime minister.

The first procedural step that SPAK had to undertake after the formalization of the accusation was to send to the Assembly the request for the removal of the MP's immunity.

Such a request has not yet officially reached the Parliament, even though the special courts have given the right to SPAK for the legality of the control operations in the villa in Gjirin e Lalzi, on behalf of the partner of Arben Ahmetaj and that of Palasa on behalf of the former - to his wife.

Sources from the majority inform Vox News that the Assembly has not yet received a request from SPAK for immunity, but, the sources emphasize, as soon as it arrives, it will be approved immediately.

Why is the procedural request being delayed? Only the file prosecutors know the reasons. Even in this case, SPAK is acting with two standards, since in the case of Alqi Bllakos, the request for the removal of immunity was quickly submitted to the Assembly. 

What the public knows at this stage of the investigation is that Arben Ahmetaj has been charged with corruption, abuse of office and laundering the proceeds of the crime. The accusations were raised after SPAK checks in the villa of Arben Ahmetaj's current partner, Erjola Hoxha, and his ex-wife, Albina Mançka.

Both controls were opposed by Ahmetaj, who requested their invalidity in court, not on the basis of the suspicions and then the charges brought against him, but with the claim that the MP's immunity protected him from these controls.

The evidence of Arben Ahmetaj's corruption has been sealed today with the decisions of special courts, which legitimized the controls and took him as a defendant. The entire silence of SPAK using the election campaign suggests that it is deliberate.

Përpos vonesave të SPAK, deputeti i PS dhe ish-zëvendëskryeministri ka nisur dhe ofensivën duke sulmuar nëpërmjet mercenarëve mediatik këdo që po shkruan për hetimet ndaj tij.

Ajo që bën skandalin e vërtet në çështjen ndaj tij është mundësia që po i jepet për të zhdukur dhe fshehur provat.

Kohët e fundit ai qëndron më tepër jashtë vendit, duke pasur vend strehimi Zvicrën ndërsa njerëz pranë tij në Tiranë të cilët janë të dyshuar si persona që fshehin pasurinë e tij po bëjnë përpjekje që hetimet ndaj tij të sfumohen dhe çështja të mbyllet.

Hetimet ndaj tij, nuk janë thjesht vënia e drejtësisë në vend, po janë prova më fortë se SPAK është serioz në hetime dhe reforma në drejtësi ka dhënë rezultate.

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