Since yesterday afternoon, the news that Sali Berisha would go as a witness to the Investigative Commission for TIMS, directed by Salianji, occupied the entire media. To make it even more serious, it was accompanied by the "fact" that Blerina Gjylameti as a socialist deputy had also approved this.
Actually, the news had nothing to do with the need for Sali Berisha to be a witness in this investigative commission.
The goal was firstly for Berisha to go to the offices of the Assembly, and be considered to have participated in the work of the Assembly, breaking the six-month absence that could endanger his mandate, and secondly, to give a message to the Court of Appeal that he would receive today the decision on Berisha's security measure.
In both cases, the creation of the idea of ??a "peace" between the socialists and Berisha created the climate for a more positive decision, and on the other hand, it gave a controversial argument to Berisha's lawyers to interpret the fact that his mandate should be burned after six months or not, since going to the Commission could be called participation in the Assembly.
All this became clear when the Socialists today clearly expressed that they had not given the consent for Berisha's participation as a witness, since the 24-hour absence of a clear position from the Socialist Party could create an inverted perception of the situation regarding an agreement silent between them.
This event brings to light a serious problem that the socialists have to do politics at the parliamentary level, leaving all the political action to Edi Rama.
And this is not the only case. In some cases, such as the agreement with Gazmend Bardhi or the amnesty story, it seemed that the socialists radiated some color in their attitudes. The word comes, Gjiknuri seemed happier that he was doing the electoral reform with Gazmend Bardhi and not with Alibej, not to mention that Ulsiu Manja seemed to have discovered Gazmend Bardhi, after the approval of the amnesty, and asked Alibej to take an example from him as cooperated with the socialists.
This emotional approach and sometimes procedural petty bargaining creates a kind of political confusion about who the socialists' favorites are in the opposition.
Of course, there is no recipe for who particular socialist MPs can fall in love with, but there is and should be a line of political attitude regarding cooperation with the "non grata" party, and that line should not be crossed, despite the fact that it may I like Gazmend Bardhi, because you can be angry with Alibej because he doesn't talk to you in coffee, or because you don't think Shkëlzeni is a bad boy when he makes you a payment in the family business.
The politics of a major party in power is not a matter of personal preference. It has the responsibility of the party in power and, moreover, in a battle with the anti-Western elements of Albania, it also has the obligation not to relativize the red line of non-cooperation with them, for any reason.