Trial without parties and not in an open courtroom is against the Constitution!

2025-01-19 15:21:10Pikëpamje SHKRUAR NGA YLLI MANJANI
Star Manjani

There is no trial in the consulting room!!!
I insist on this!
The trial is open to the public and always takes place in the presence of the parties.

Everyone has the right to be heard before being judged - says the Constitution, Article 33.

How can someone be heard when they are not called to a courtroom?!
They have the right to be heard and not to be read, oh my!

The dynamics of a process or life event cannot be put on paper. Even if it does happen, there are still circumstances that impose a debate on the issue, so an explanation is needed in a courtroom and in front of the other party.

Confronting arguments, evidence, facts, and even experiences in a courtroom helps the court judge fairly.

Adversarial proceedings are a fundamental principle of due process, and are based on the word and its confrontation with the word of the other party. Adversarial proceedings are not conducted in writing. Much less without the presence of the parties in a courtroom.

Therefore, trial in private chambers has nothing to do with law or due process.

And when a trial without parties and without a court takes place in the Constitutional Court, which was supposed to be at least the correct model of the constitutionality of processes, one wonders what happens in other courts.

Trials without parties and in closed session are becoming routine!!!
This is a Constitutional alarm!

I have no doubt that a trial without parties and without an open court, conflicts with at least 2 articles of the Constitution, Article 33 and Article 42.
