The agreement between the Albanian and Italian governments for the construction of immigrant reception centers in Lezha has entered its sixth month of operation, a time that seems to have served to build a legal barrier to its functioning.
According to the agreement, the expenses for the operation of these centers are borne by the Italian side, but the Albanian state enjoyed the right to grant loans, and Rama's cabinet seems to have done so.
Through an official communication with the Ministry of Interior, the Albanian government has allocated a total fund of 289 million lek, of which 100 million for armaments, writes a2cnn.
" The fund requested by the Ministry of Interior in the framework of the budget review with the Normative Act was in the amount of 289 million lek, which included the purchase of equipment, weapons and means of transport. In the fund approved with Normative Act no. 3 in the amount of 100 million lek, the purchase of weapons equipment has been financed, while the purchase of means of transport will be financed in 2025 due to the time required by the procurement procedures for their purchase. Any expenses for personnel and logistics for the police unit operating in the reception structures for migrants will be reimbursed by the Italian side ."
According to the Rama - Meloni agreement, the reception centers in Shën Gjin and Lezha will cost the Italian state 600 million euros, which will be spent over 5 years.