A girl was stabbed yesterday evening in Tirana. The incident occurred on Kavaja Street. It all started after a fight between girls in Vora.
The two sisters, Xhemile and Esma Verlaku, went to file a complaint at the police station, but at the last moment they changed their minds. A few minutes later, the two sisters went to meet with Kasandra Cani.
Once again they clashed physically, until at one point Kassandra Cani stabbed her sisters and then left the scene. But even though she left the scene, Cani, known for her provocative posts on social media, was placed in handcuffs by blue uniforms after being accused of "intentional serious injury."
Meanwhile, the two Vërlaku sisters are being prosecuted at large, but they are still charged with the criminal offenses of "wilful damage" and "violence of a residence."
It is learned that one of them had a knife and shot Cani, while the other sister went in to separate them. But Cani also took a knife and shot one of the girls, who is currently in the hospital out of danger.
The cause of the fight between the girls, who were friends, is still unknown, but it is possible that the reasons for the fight were trivial, driven by the fact that all three were under the influence of alcohol. The testimony of the perpetrator of the injury is now expected to be taken, which will shed more light on the details.