The Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC), Kreshnik Radoniqi, said that the initiative for the removal of the mayors of northern municipalities in Kosovo has failed, as 50 percent plus 1 of voters did not participate in the process.
According to him, a total of 253 people voted out of 46,556 citizens who were eligible to vote.
In Leposavic, 124 voters or 0.91% of the total number, in Zubin Potok, 18 voters, or 0.26 percent, in Zvecan no voters, while in Northern Mitrovica, 111 voters, or 0.59 percent of voters.
All polling stations - 23 - were closed on Sunday at 7pm.
The process was organized as Lista Srpska, the main party of Serbs in Kosovo, which enjoys the support of official Belgrade, has called for a boycott of the vote.
The network of non-governmental organizations, Democracy in Action (DiA), said that "the voting process throughout the day has been characterized by a marked lack of interest from citizens to participate in the vote, despite the fact that in January over 20% of citizens with the right to vote had signed the petition for the removal of mayors in four municipalities of northern Kosovo".
According to him, no incidents have been reported during the day.