"Gjoka" also receives the nod for Arbri Road: The 850 thousand euro tender for connecting roads has been predetermined?!

2025-02-04 22:16:30Fokus SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Arber Street

The concessionaire of the Arbri road, a road that has been delayed for years due to the opening of the Murriz tunnel, continues to receive "cacides" for that axis. The Municipality of Klos has announced the winner of the "Gjoka" firm for the road to the village of Guri i Bardhë, which connects it to the highway.

Although this firm's offer was not the lowest, the mayor of Klos, Valbona Kola, once again declared it the winner, raising serious doubts that the entire procedure was predetermined.

The concession contract has changed several times, while the government has also come to the "aid" of the "Gjoka" company, allocating additional amounts for that axis for slopes, markings, or even for some works of art.

So, on the one hand, the entire Arbri road has cost more than 300 million euros, and on the other hand, the municipalities of the Dibër district continue to award tenders separately, increasing costs. At the end of 2022, the Municipality of Bulqiza awarded a tender worth 2 million euros to this company, for some sewers in Bulqiza e Re.

"Gjoka" also receives the nod for Arbri Road: The 850 thousand euro
Facsimile: Announcement of the winner of the tender worth 850 thousand euros for the construction of the road in the village of Guri i Bardhë

"Gjoka" also receives the nod for Arbri Road: The 850 thousand euro

According to documents available to VoxNews, the mayor of Klos, Valbona Kola, has recently announced the winner of the tender for the construction of the road to the village of Guri i Bardhë. And, as Kola or the companies operating in the North East may have predicted, the winner was the company "Gjoka", which is building the Arbri Road under concession.

The object of the tender was "settlement, asphalting of the Shkallë - Guri i Bardhë road, Xibër Administrative Unit", with a limited fund of 85,280,318 lekë excluding VAT, made available from the state budget. As it is written in these documents, the money came from the government, which for many years has been favoring and tolerating this company with the deadlines for the inauguration of the Arbri Road. It is learned that the deadline is 5 months from the date of signing the contract.

The criterion for selecting the winner was "the most economically advantageous offer based on price", but it seems that it was not applied in this procedure. The documents state that the company "Gjoka" offered 79 million eka, the company "BAJRAMI N" 66 million, "EVEREST" offered 85 million and "HOREAL EXPO GROUP" had a value of 85 million lek. The documents state that the lowest offer, that of the company "BAJRAMI N", was disqualified, as they did not show up to submit the documents.

A farce, predestination or "fate" for the "Gjoka" firm?

The company that offered the least did not show up, the others offered 99% of the limit fund, and the winner was the concessionaire that will pave this road.

"Gjoka" also receives the nod for Arbri Road: The 850 thousand euro
Facsimile: The road to the village of Guri i Bardhë will be connected to the Arbri road expressway

In the accompanying documents, the Municipality of Klos writes that the road lies geographically within these villages, with a number of families for the two villages of around 290 families and a population of around 1200 inhabitants, according to the 2011 census.

"This includes the main road of these two villages with a length of about 4.4 km. The facility is currently in a very dilapidated condition, especially during periods of heavy rainfall, passage becomes extremely difficult. This road has never been asphalted," these documents state. Based on the documents, the road will only have one lane.


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