Edi of 'Land Rover', brother-in-law of Emiriana Sakos won tender without competition and with limit fund in Durres Municipality

2024-05-19 18:46:01Fokus SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Emiriana Sako / Edmund Shahini

Durres Mayor Emiriana Sako did not give details about the testimony he gave to the special prosecutor's office on Friday, locking her mouth with the argument of investigative secrets.

However, she ruled out being called by special prosecutors to give explanations about the incenerators.

As mayor of Durres since April 2020, several tenders have been awarded with her firm that are being investigated and evaluated by SPAK and which in the Open Data Albania register are categorized with red flags. It is about goods, services and infrastructure projects.

One such is the tender with the object of purchase of funds for the needs of Durres Water Supply and Sewerage. Ref-46887-12-27-2019, announced on 30 December 2019 and announced the winner on 22 January 2020.

The tender in question is marked with red flags by Open Data Albania. The reason is lack of competition. Only one offer was involved, that of Mektrin Motors, Edmond Shahini, brother of Emiriana Sako's husband Landi Shahini and the mayor's brother-in-law.

The tender limit fund is 19 million and 840 thousand ALL. Mektrin Motors of Emiriana Sako's brother-in-law won the tender with a bid of 19 million and 600 thousand LEK. Or over 99 percent of the fund's value limit.

Emiriana Sako, at the time, held the position of director of services and deputy mayor of Durres Municipality, until she was appointed in April as the acting mayor of this municipality.

The tender was held before the water supply and sewerage reform, meaning that at that time durres water supply was a company fully dependent on the Municipality, where the directorate of services and the post held by Emiriana Sako had a significant role in evaluating the bids.


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