The energy crisis is over, but its financial bill has not yet been closed.
KESH plans to pay 68 million dollars for the rent of two floating power plants, which were taken under the emergency umbrella that caused the crisis, precisely to reduce its costs.
The crisis is over and on the coast of Vlora there are two assets that threaten the city's environment and the budget of KESH every day.
The contract was drawn up in a completely one-sided way, as far as the interests of the Electric Power Corporation are concerned, but 'fate' has wanted the condition of the TEC ships to be at the point that no one is able to put them into operation and certify the passing of the tests in order to start payments.
A few weeks ago, the ship's fuel supply pipe suffered a crack, giving KESH a last chance to get out of the contract on the grounds that the lessors have not fulfilled their contractual obligations.
But it didn't happen, the work to repair the defects continues, while we risk paying 45.5 million dollars in rent and 22.5 operating for two assets that will have a book value of 0!
The invoice for the purchase of ships from Excelerate Energy is 15 million usd, the accounting value according to the contract signed between KESH and the companies Excelerate and Renco for their insurance is 20 million usd, while the annual depreciation value according to the balance sheet deposited by the company itself is 6.5 million euros per year.
So next year, we will pay rent for two worthless assets and at least 100 million usd for fuel oil, which is the material with which the thermal assets work. Added to these expenses are those of the insurance contract worth 2 million usd, 8.2 million usd that are being wasted for renting fuel deposits and another 2.4 million usd that were paid by the Corporation for customs taxes and lubricating oil.
The beneficiary of tens of millions of dollars in lease money is the offshore company based in Delaware, USA. Excelerate Energy Limited Partnership.
A company whose owner no one knows, but which was introduced by the deputy prime minister as the company Excelerate Energy, whose base is in Texas.
Now either the deputy prime minister has lied, or KESH has eaten pears behind her wings!