Tre deputetët e PS së Vlorës që Rama shpalli ‘non grata’ nga Kongresi

2024-07-30 11:41:36Fokus SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Photo montage (Edi Rama, Pranvera Resulaj, Anduel Tahiri and Ilir Metaj)

" I want to apologize for those MPs who are here among us who have not yet fulfilled the ethical minimum of appearing on time for the duty for which they are paid by the taxes of the better Albanians. I want to apologize to those deputies who go to work just to accompany me, or who go to the party organizations just to take a presence photo. I want to apologize for those MPs whose voice comes out only when they knock on the state offices for their jobs, or even for those MPs who have come down to the hall from the government table, appear in the floor of the Assembly once a month and speak as if they have came from the moon ".

This was a short part of the speech of the head of the socialist Edi Rama, who pointed at the deputies, as he called them, idlers of the Socialist Party. Rama did not mention the names of deputies about whom he had remarks, but mentioned the name of Vullnet Sinaj as a model deputy.

Sinaj is the deputy of the District of Vlora, while also discloses the names of at least three socialist deputies of the same district that the Chief Socialist declared 'non grata' from the works of the Congress of the Socialist Party.

It is about MPs Pranvera Resulaj, Anduel Tahiri and Ilir Metaj. None of them were in the hall of the Palace of Congresses on Sunday. More than their choice to be absent, the reason was Rama's criticism.

The sources claim that Rama has shown displeasure towards the three MPs for lack of commitment in periodic meetings with the base, lack of engagement in social networks as well as for the division of the party's branch in Vlora. The remarks against them, as the sources claim, have been expressed before in the meetings of the socialist parliamentary group, or other leadership structures of the party, at the central and local level.

According to the sources, the three deputies are blamed by Edi Rama who less and who more for the division of the branch of the Socialist Party in Vlora and for interfering with other local and central institutions in the processes of new employment.

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