"Anyone can speculate. Doing it at the right time – that's the art.”
These words from Hungarian stock market guru André Kostolany ring true today when it comes to America's billionaires.
They make strategic bets not only in the financial markets, but also in politics – and especially in the race for the White House – to protect their interests. Targeted donations and political support are intended to influence the outcome of US elections and thereby set the path for a bright future for you.
How much money has been raised so far?
Republican Donald Trump can look forward to the equivalent of 498.94 million euros. This is the result of research from the information platform Open Secrets (as of July 21).
Kamala Harris, on the other hand, raised a record 92.2 million euros in just 36 hours after Biden withdrew. Harris can also take over the fund collected by Biden (about 84 million euros) since she was his vice president. None of the other potential candidates would be eligible for this money.
Trump wants to file a complaint against the receipt of funds, several US media reported. According to Open Secrets, Harris has a total of 392.45 million euros.
Where money and power are more connected than ever – BILD has done the checking and presents the most famous supporters.
These are the Trumpists:
Peter Thiel (wealth: equivalent to 7.3 billion euros)
PayPal co-founder and conservative tech pioneer Peter Thiel isn't just an important supporter of the former US president. He helped JD Vance win the election for Senator for Ohio (2022) with a large donation of 14 million euros. The two Silicon Valley investors are closely related. Because: Before Vance entered politics, he first worked as a lawyer in Washington and then in venture capital in San Francisco. There he met Thiel and made direct contact with tech giants and startups.
Elon Musk (worth 232 billion euros)
Elon Musk, boss of X (formerly Twitter) and co-founder of SpaceX and Tesla, is also behind Donald Trump. After the assassination of the former president, Musk posted a video of the incident on X and expressed his full support. Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Musk wanted to donate 41.55 million euros a month to Trump. On Wednesday night, Musk denied the article on Platform X.
Ben Horowitz (3.66 billion) and Marc Andreessen (1.75 billion euros)
Themeluesit e Andreessen Horowitz, një prej firmave më të njohura të kapitalit sipërmarrës të Silicon Valley, kanë sinjalizuar gjithashtu mbështetjen e tyre për Trump. Ata shohin avantazhe për bizneset fillestare dhe më pak rregullim për industrinë e kriptove në një administratë të mundshme Trump. Marc Andreessen dhe Ben Horowitz argumentojnë se industria e teknologjisë do të lulëzonte nën Trump dhe do ta shihnin atë si kandidatin më të mirë në krahasim me demokratët.
David Sacks (pasuria e vlerësuar 1.38 miliardë euro)
David Sacks, një tjetër ish-punonjës i PayPal, është pozicionuar si një avokat i fortë për Presidentin e SHBA. Me podcast-in e tij me ndikim të teknologjisë dhe një ndjekës të madh në X, ai është një mbështetës kryesor. Sacks organizoi së fundmi një ngjarje për mbledhjen e fondeve në San Francisko që solli shumë para. Ai kritikon demokratët dhe thekson përfitimet e një qeverie republikane për industrinë e teknologjisë.
Mbështetësit e demokratëve
Melinda Gates (10.24 miliardë euro)
Melinda Gates foli për Kamala Harris si në X ashtu edhe në një deklaratë më të gjatë në Instagram. Në postim, ajo shkroi: “Jam krenare që mbështes Zëvendës Presidenten Harris. Në vitet e saj në Shtëpinë e Bardhë, ajo ka dëshmuar se di të udhëheqë krizat duke nxitur ndryshimin që na nevojitet.”
Ajo vazhdoi: “Ne kemi parë se si duket një administratë Trump dhe nuk mund të rrezikojmë një tjetër”.
Reid Hoffman (2.3 miliardë euro)
Bashkëthemeluesi dhe drejtuesi i rrjetit social LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman, ishte një nga megafinancuesit e Joe Biden dhe mbrojtësi i tij i zjarrtë deri në fund. Por kur Biden u tërhoq të dielën, ai menjëherë hodhi peshën e tij pas Kamala Harris.
Hoffman jeton në Seattle, Washington dhe ka kompaninë e tij të kapitalit sipërmarrës. Ai bëri emër si një “investitor engjëll” (një investitor që investon në biznese fillestare). Dy kompani ku ai ka investuar: OpenAI dhe Inflection AI. Pa të, mund të mos kishte Facebook sot. Gjatë kohës së tij si menaxher në PayPal, ai e bindi shefin e tij të atëhershëm Peter Thiel të investonte pothuajse gjysmë milioni në rrjetin e Mark Zuckerberg.
Alex Soros (23 miliardë euro)
I ati George Soros ia dorëzoi perandorinë e tij të investimeve dhe valutës (rreth 23 miliardë euro) djalit Alex Soros vitin e kaluar. Të dy janë demokratë të vendosur dhe, mbi të gjitha, kundërshtarë të Trump.
“Unë me të vërtetë do të doja të mbaja paratë jashtë politikës. Por përderisa e bën pala tjetër, duhet ta bëjmë edhe ne”, thotë djali i madh nga martesa e dytë e George Soros. Politikisht, Alex Soros thotë për veten e tij: “Unë jam i qendrës së majtë, kjo do të thotë: Kamala Harris është pikërisht në gjatësinë e valës së tij”.
Rick Caruso (4.9 miliardë euro)
Rick Caruso, founder of real estate giant Caruso, made his fortune when he bought parking spaces that his father had leased for his used car dealership and car rental company (Dollar Rent-A - Tsar). As property prices rose, he liquidated and began building apartment buildings and shopping centers in Los Angeles.
He wrote on Instagram about Biden's withdrawal: “Thank you for your sacrifice (…) Kamala Harris is probably the best choice. It still calls for a vote by delegates at the party's conference in August.
Michael Novogratz (4.4 billion euros)
Michael Novogratz (59), head of crypto investment company Galaxy Digital and former partner of mega hedge fund Fortress Investment Group, has assets of around 4.4 billion euros. Most of it in cryptocurrencies. He was among the first liberal billionaires to call on Biden to step down, declaring: "America's democracy is at risk." He considers Donald Trump a "threat to freedom". In 2012, he bought actor Robert De Niro's apartment in Tribeca and gave his old apartment in the city's Meatpacking District to American actor Mickey Rourke.
Alan Patricof (estimated net worth 138 million euros)
Son of Russian immigrants and founder of venture capital firm Patricof Associates. Patricof earned his first money at the age of six selling newspapers ("The Saturday Evening Post") on the subway. Of Kamala Harris he says: "She's probably the easiest replacement for Biden and can stand up to Trump," but he also added: "I wouldn't have said that two weeks ago."
Reed Hastings (€4.24 billion)
The founder of Netflix earned money for his studies as a vacuum cleaner salesman. After college, Reed Hastings joined the US Navy, Marine Corps, to become an officer. But he did not finish his training and preferred to go to Africa for the "Peace Corps" (an independent agency for international understanding). In 1997, he founded Netflix, which at the time still rented DVDs by mail. “Once you've hitchhiked across Africa with ten dollars in your pocket, starting a business isn't so scary anymore,” he once said. Hastings was among the first Democratic donors to call on Biden to resign. For Harris, he says: "Thank you, Joe Biden, now we have hope again."/ BILD