Unknown details from the investigative file are revealed: Was Martin Bardhi eliminated from Reçët?

2025-01-22 22:46:45Aktualitet SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Kristian Marku and his uncle, Martin Bardhi, killed in 2023

The target miraculously escaped, according to experts, because two bullets were quite close to each other in the glass. If the shells had been at the same target, the glass of the armored vehicle would most likely have been pierced. After Saimir Reçi's statements, the prosecution immediately filed charges against Enkel Bardhi, his father Martin Bardhi and their relative, Kristian Bardhi, the latter two executed in different events.

"The Prosecutor's Office of the Lezhë Judicial District has registered criminal proceedings no. 156 dated March 27, 2023 against Marjan Marku (Martin Bardhi), Erind Vidal Marku (Bardhi) and Kristjan Marku. From the initial investigations, it results that on the main promenade of the city near the 'Filopati' bar, 7 firearm cartridges were found, fixed and administered as material evidence. Following the inspection of the scene in the western direction at the 'Kthjella' gas station, a BMW series 7 vehicle with license plate AA681 YT, armored, was found, which turns out to be damaged in some parts.

"Sajmir testified about the people he was able to identify at those moments as these individuals, and he gave their names specifically. And he was not asked later whether he wanted to confront them regarding the incident, whether they were these people or not. In my opinion, the prosecution, in its actions with the police, should have confronted the individuals, which it has not done to date. Unfortunately, two citizens have lost their lives, and you cannot create a confrontation," said the lawyer, Aleksandër Ndrejaj.

After the investigation of this case, according to the Lezha prosecutor's office, it has resulted that Reçi was not honest in his testimony. According to the data in the file, it is known that the author of this event was the citizen Erind Bardhi. Referring to the security camera which cannot be published because it still constitutes an investigative secret, this citizen is seen alone in committing the crime. The camera clearly shows that Erind Bardhi shoots several times in the direction of the armored vehicle. He then quietly leaves the scene. So, contrary to what was said until today, Kristjan Markua alias Bardhi, the victim who was eliminated in Vlora, did not shoot at Reçi in the assassination attempt that the latter survived.

"Not only have state institutions failed to prevent these criminal acts, there is absolutely no perpetrator of these criminal acts," said Alfred Bari, lawyer.

"Of course, crimes committed for revenge, crimes committed for blood feuds, crimes committed with intent, are definitely called qualified crimes and definitely have harsher penalties than a criminal offense committed without intent, without serious motives of revenge or blood feud," said Eugen Beci, former prosecutor. 

"I don't know the reason why they came out, the court's decision has not been made available to us," said Aleksandër Ndejaj, a lawyer.

In addition to the security cameras at the scene, Martin Bardhi also brought to court film evidence, which according to him proved his alibi that he was not present at the time of the assassination attempt on Saimir Reçi. Several witnesses confirmed his statements. Based on this evidence, the court changed the security measure against him from 'prison arrest' to 'compulsion to appear'.

Martin's freedom lasted only two months. On the morning of September 26, 2023, he was executed in a mafia assassination attempt in the bar he owned while he was staying with his nephew and two friends.

Was Martin Bardhi eliminated from Reçët?

The initial suspicions of the investigative group were directed at the Reçi family, with whom Bardhi was in conflict. After the incident, several members of the Reçi family were arrested, referring to the investigative actions described in the file.

Based on the conflict between the victim Martin Bardhi and the Reçi family, our team conducted searches in the homes of citizens Saimir Gjevalin Reçi, Elson Gjevalin Reçi, Martin Nikoll Reçi, and Gjevalin Nikoll Reçi, in the city of Rrëshen.

Among those questioned was Saimir Reçi, who had previously escaped an assassination attempt by the son of the victim, Martin Bardhi. While denying involvement, he stated that he had heard the shooting in the city and had learned the news from television.

"Around 7.10, I woke up and was dealing with a power cable at my house, as it was faulty. This happened until around 8.30. Then I called citizen Gon Arapi to fix the internet cable and sat with him on the porch of the house drinking coffee. While I was drinking coffee, we heard gunshots in the city, that's when I learned about the incident."

While the police were questioning members of the Reçi tribe, according to the itinerary revealed by the investigations, the perpetrators quietly left towards the road leading out of the city. They passed by the village of Nderfushas, ??where most of the Bardhi tribe lives, and then continued on their way towards the village of Gëziq, where they burned a car.

"The perpetrators of the incident are two masked people. We know about the conflicts between the Bardhi tribe and other tribes." 

Although the senior police chief himself confirmed the conflicts between the tribes, Martin's murder remains unsolved. The incident occurred near his house, just a few meters from the Rrëshen police station, considered a safe area. In addition to the insecurity, the incident demonstrated the aggressiveness of the killers, who challenged the police, carrying out a massacre in front of their door.

"We must understand that the cycle of revenge and blood feud in the families involved is not only the duty of law enforcement agencies. In this specific case, it is not only the duty of the police, the prosecution and the court, but it is something broader in terms of the social perspective where different institutions in the country must cooperate," said former prosecutor Eugen Beci.

"In my assessment, taking into account the manner in which criminal offenses have been committed in recent years, I believe that the manner in which people are executed has been disconnected from this customary law, taking into account the principles of customary law," said Alfred Bari, a lawyer.

"It could be resolved because they are residents of the area, known, and it could not be, because there were no conflicts. We cannot give explanations for the events that these two have, because I think from what I have had communications with the client, they are not related to this event. Sajmir Reçi has no connection or implication with the events because he was in the apartment," said the lawyer, Aleksandër Ndrejaj.

