From luxurious living in Sweden to working with Pacolli, who is Naim Murseli who paid 30 thousand euros for the execution of the woman

2023-12-01 19:47:46Aktualitet SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Naim Murseli

One of the persons arrested as a suspect for involvement in the murder of Liridona Murseli is Naim Murseli. In addition to Murseli, another suspect was arrested, from Gjakova, who in his statement before the police admitted that he committed the crime and stated that Naim Murseli paid him 30,000 euros for such a thing.

But who is Naim Murseli?

Murseli in Kosovo is known for his commitment as part of the close staff of the head of the New Kosovo Alliance, Behgjet Pacolli.

With a short look at his profile on "Facebook", you can see the many photos that Murseli has published of the luxurious lifestyle he has had, in Sweden, but also on various trips together with Pacolli.

There are also many photos of him with his wife, Liridona, who is buried today in her native village in Gjakovë.

According to the data that is available on the Internet, Murseli also completed high school at "Agnebergs" gymnasium in the city of Uddevalla from 2006 to 2009 in Sweden, however it is not known in what direction.

After that, Murseli enrolled in the Business School in 2010 to graduate afterwards. Since 2011, he has been working in Sweden as a salesman and sales agent in dirty Swedish companies.

He also appears as the founder of a media company and is also involved in marketing in Sweden.

Naim Murseli [1990] was married to Liridona Murseli and has two children with her.

The main adviser of Behgjet Pacolli, Jetlir Zyberaj, also spoke about Murseli today. He told Express that Murseli had become part of Pacolli's staff, but that he was not officially an adviser. According to Zyberaj, Murseli was an assistant for social networks because of the knowledge he had in IT.

"We are shocked by the news about the serious murder of a young mother. We are encouraged by the fact that the professional and efficient response of the police was immediate. Murseli was a young man who became part of Mr. Pacolli's general staff, but who was not officially his advisor. The truth is that he was an assistant for social networks because of the IT knowledge he had and was given the opportunity by former president Pacolli. However, the serious case that happened must be clarified and those responsible must receive capital punishment", he said.
