The ownership issue of the Tirana Football Club is "up in the air", with 66 percent of the shares controlled by "Halili shpk" with president Refik Halil blocked by enforcement due to debt issues.
They have already launched a counterattack in Tirana and filed a counterclaim for this blockage. The representatives of the president of the FC Tirana have addressed the Court of General Jurisdiction of the First Instance of Tirana, with a lawsuit request, the object of which is the suspension of the execution of the decision won by the "Preza" family.
In the claim-lawsuit, the plaintiff claims for the revaluation of at least 1.6 million euros of the shares that the executor has put up for sale. "Halili shpk" opposes the actions of the bailiff, who has started the sale of KF Tirana's shares at auction.
The judge of the case is Alma Hicka, as the trial for this case has been decided for this Wednesday. According to the law, opposition to enforcement actions in court does not stop the auction; this is only if the court decides to stop any procedure.
NG?RCI - On September 13, 2019, the citizen Abedin Treza (Preza) blocked 66 percent of the shares owned by Refik Halil in KF Tirana. According to the seizure order, the debtor owes the creditor 1.5 million euros and 25 million ALL (new), as well as interest for each day of delay.