December 8/ Berisha at the FRPD march: The regime killed young people who were leaving for the free world every week

2024-12-08 12:16:23Politikë SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
DP leader Sali Berisha

DP leader Sali Berisha today took part in the march organized by the FRPD in honor of the 1990 Student Movement.

He stated that the students who started the December protest were no more than those who gathered today in honor of this day, but that they overthrew the communist regime that was among the most brutal in Europe.

" The deepest gratitude to you for coming here today to honor the immortal work of the liberating students and their legendary tribune, Azem Hajdari, on December 8, 1990.

My friends, we have had a painful and difficult history. In 1912, the nation's independence and freedom were declared. In 1944, on October 28, our people were liberated from an external invasion, only to fall on the same day to a barbaric internal invasion, the most cruel that time has known, under the Stalinist dictatorship of Enver Hoxha.

This dictatorship, in its 46 years of existence, imposed on the Albanians the most savage oppression they had known in all of history. It imposed the deepest dictatorship of their isolation, more than ever before in history. It imposed the tyranny of hunger and poverty that the Albanians had never known before through hypercollectivism.

Despite the fall of the Berlin Wall and the democratic revolutions of 1989, Albania remained, as the Stalinist party and the last dictator described it, as the bastion or fortress of socialism on the Adriatic.

The regime, with its propaganda, talked every day about democratization, but every week it killed young people who were leaving to cross into the free world. And it not only executed them, but brought and dragged their corpses to the cities: Shkodër, Gjirokastër, Saranda, Korçë, just to terrorize the population.
Precisely, in these circumstances, 34 years ago, a group of students went out to dinner in this square and started the first student protest in the history of the country. They lined up a series of demands. But the regime, even though they were not many, that night there were probably no more than you are here today , "said Berisha.
