During today's day, the last farewell was given to Liridona Murseli in the village of Cermanje in Gjakova.
Indeksonline has reported that the suspect in this murder is also her husband Naim Murseli, where a few moments ago he admitted to the police that he paid his hand for her murder.
According to Indeksonline sources, after the recent events, the Ademaj family, which is Liridona's family, is requesting the exhumation of their daughter.
So far, three people have been arrested in connection with this incident.
Less than 48 hours after the murder of the 30-year-old, the authorities in Kosovo arrested her 33-year-old husband Naim Murseli and Granit Plava. Liridona Murseli, mother of two children, was executed by gunfire on Wednesday evening, while traveling by car with her husband and two children.
33-year-old Naim Murseli claimed that she was killed during a robbery attempt. However, the investigations made this Friday the investigative authorities in Kosovo reveal the truth: Liridona's murder was ordered by her husband.
He appointed his fellow villager, Granit Plava, as executor. The latter, in the testimony given to the police, said that Murseli had paid him 30,000 euros.
During the evening, the media in Kosovo also reported that Murseli himself, who had worked in the past as an adviser to Behgjet Pacolli, has admitted the crime to the police.
The causes of this serious event are not yet known.
Liridona Murseli was the mother of two minor children.