Default winner?! The State Police is armed with non-competitive tenders

2024-10-22 14:19:20Investigim SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Illustrative photo

The State Police is arming itself to the teeth, as through two suspicious procedures, this institution has spent about 1.1 million euros on pistols and automatic weapons.

VoxNews has browsed the documents of these tenders, where it is noted that "only papers were made", as there are doubts that the winners were predetermined. Even, the same winners in previous procedures.

The suspicions are that either the police documents were adapted to the specifications of the firms, or through a secret cooperation, the firms did not want to compete. In this way, the private companies have received the entire allocated litmit fund, leaving not a single penny "on the street".

Default winner?! The State Police is armed with non-competitive tenders
Tender for small arms, the winner and the conclusion of the contract

Default winner?! The State Police is armed with non-competitive tenders

Facsimile: The winning announcement and the conclusion of the contract between the State Police and the firm "MSSC"

The first procedure was for "purchasing short firearms", with an economic operator, where all the conditions are defined. The selection criterion was the lowest price. At least that's how it's usually written in the cards, since what happens is that the winners are allegedly predetermined. Only one company participated in this procedure, more precisely "MSSC (MILITARY SYSTEM SUPPLY COMPANY)" with an offer of ALL 59,673,600 without VAT. Normally, she was declared the winner, while at the same time the State Police hastened the conclusion of the contract. This time, adding the VAT, the amount went to 71 million ALL, which will be given to the company "MSSC".

Default winner?! The State Police is armed with non-competitive tenders
(The winner and the conclusion of the contract for long firearms)

Default winner?! The State Police is armed with non-competitive tenders

Facsimile: Announcement of the winner and conclusion of the contract between the police and the ASA "Arms School Academy" firm for long guns

At the same time, the State Police hastened to announce the winner and conclude the contract for the tender with the object "purchase of long firearms". It is written again that the winner will be announced who offers the least, but also in this procedure only one company ASA "Arms School Academy" with a value of ALL 31,800,000 without VAT participated. The police have it urgently, after informing the company to appear within 5 days. Meanwhile, in the same bulletin, the police also signed a contract with this company. The amount from 31 million without VAT went to 38 million without VAT.

Default winner?! The State Police is armed with non-competitive tenders

Default winner?! The State Police is armed with non-competitive tenders

Facsimile: In February 2024, the State Police announced the same firms as winners for pistols and automatic weapons

In February 2024, the State Police made the first tenders for weapons, pistols and automatic weapons. He made the tender with the object "purchase of firearms", divided into lots, with a duration of 48 months. MSSC (MILITARY SYSTEM SUPPLY COMPANY) with a value of 146,69,600 ALL and ASA firm "ARMS SCHOOL ACADEMY" with a value of 159,583,200 took part in the procedure. At that time there was a competition, as the winner was announced as "MSSC (MILITARY SYSTEM SUPPLY COMPANY)" which offered 146 million ALL.

And in February 2024, the State Police did not leave the ASA firm "dry", which it announced as the winner in the tender for the "purchase of long firearms". The ASA firm was the only one in the competition, as it offered ALL 77,910,000 without VAT.

Both firms, such as MSSC and ASA, have been declared winners in dozens of procedures classified as secret even by the Ministry of Defense. Even those tenders have been made without competition, considering the whole purchase of weapons a big farce.

Default winner?! The State Police is armed with non-competitive tenders
(Tender of RO. GAT for ammunition)
Default winner?! The State Police is armed with non-competitive tenders
Facsimile: The winner of the tender for the purchase of ammunition, announced by the State Police in February 2024

Facsimile: The winner of the tender for the purchase of ammunition, announced by the State Police in February 2024

Meanwhile, in addition to the purchase of pistols and automatic weapons, the State Police also purchased ammunition in February 2024. According to the documents available to VoxNews , the police announced the winner of the firm "RO. GAT SECURITY", in the tender with the object "ammunition purchase", with a duration of 48 months. Two firms participated in this procedure, where "RO.GAT" offered 93 million ALL and "ARMS SCHOOL ACADEMY" offered 97 million ALL.
