Albanian citizens are paying 20 million euros for the villages of the rich in the South!

2024-10-23 15:19:21Investigim SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Edi Rama/ Rrok Gjoka

A third tender opened a few days ago has brought to a full 20 million euros the amount that poor Albanian citizens are paying for the villas of the rich who live in the villages built by the Strategic Investors in the South of Albania.

A pure scheme of abuse, since the values ??are divided into years and tendered several times, aiming to hide the winners or even the awarded amounts.

Beneficiaries of all this amount are a group of people, the richest in the country or even large companies, who received free property by the Ionian Sea, from Palasa to Himarë.

Albanian citizens are paying 20 million euros for the villages of the rich in
Facsimile: Announcement of the third tender for Strategic Investors' water, announced by AKUK

Facilities for companies or residents of tourist villages from Palasa to Himarë have not yet arrived.

After the tunnel of Llogora was completed, where these "residents" will go to luxury villas faster, the statesmen have thought about the supply of drinking water.

Taking advantage of the tunnel, water will be taken in the area of ??Dukat and Tragjas in Orikum, Vlora, and then it will go to the faucets of the villas.

These investments are being made with the money of poor Albanians, where the bill so far has reached a full 20 million euros.

VoxNews has secured the documents of the third tender opened by the National Water and Sewerage Agency, an institution directly dependent on the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy.

This institution has announced the tender with the object "water supply of coastal areas, strategic investment areas, Draleos, Drimadhes and Dhërmi, phase III".

The limit fund of this procedure is a full 849,464,199 ALL, a considerable amount considering that it is the third phase. When it seemed that the previously allocated money would be enough, AKUK gave up, while it is learned that the tender will be held in the following weeks.

Albanian citizens are paying 20 million euros for the villages of the rich in
Facsimile: Announcement of the winner of the first phase of water supply to Strategic Investors

The above document is the announcement of the winner of the first phase for Strategic Investors water.

The tender had a total value of 7.5 million euros and was won by a company announced as a Strategic Investor.

It is about the company "Gjikuria", which has won several tenders in that area, from roads or even local water supply.

Then he got hundreds of thousands of square meters for free and has been declared an Investor, where he is building luxury villas and hotels.

Meanwhile, he won the big tender to bring water to the villas and hotels he is building!

Albanian citizens are paying 20 million euros for the villages of the rich in
Facsimile: Announcement of the winner of the second phase of Investor Water

Meanwhile, a few months ago, VoxNews has learned that AKUK also announced the winner of the "Gjoka" firm for the water supply of the coastal areas of the Draleos, Drimadhes and Dhërmi Strategic Investment Zones, of the Himarë Municipality, Phase II.

The company in question is implementing the project worth about 4.2 million euros including VAT.

Earlier, the procedure was opened for a value of ALL 372 million as a limit fund for which the company made an offer that was 95.3 percent of this fund, where it was also the winner.

It turns out that the company "Gjoka" is taking the water in Duka and Tragjas, will pass it through the tunnel that it is building itself, and will take it to the villas of the rich.

Wasn't the winner predetermined, since "Gjoka" himself also built the tunnel?!

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