I think about the morning of that day, when that boy left the house accompanied by his mother's voice: "Welcome, son!" .
Oh, what a black hole! The boy did not "come" well from work that evening. It didn't come at all. That morning greeting went in vain.
What debt did he have?!
Who didn't deliver the order on time?!
Who was upset that he got bad coffee?!
A new life was snapped - something that will be talked about for several days - as a side effect of a mafia crime, as presented in a confusing and unprofessional way by the virtual media.
The news changes every minute, but the waiter is still lying there, as he was carrying his last order when he was riddled with bullets.
Nothing changes for him. Other names will remain in history, but not that anonymous waiter from Memaliaj.
Every time I see waiters serving in bars and restaurants, I think about the fatigue and courage they have, as well as their families. They work for the few pennies they can squeeze out of any tips.
I imagine them listening to the whims of customers, who of course pay, but are often tiresome. They probably have their problems too.
A waiter was killed last night! We need mourners. Not for the waiter. His mother is crying. We need lamentations for the misery of a society that kills its own sons.
The evil of a criminal system is removing the ground from under our feet.
A people who, even when they are not under the hooves of the kalash, fall under the hoof of the strongest - not always under the dry noise of weapons, but constantly under the weight of the power of money and wealth - is a people with open faces who do not never recover.
Another waiter, on the television screen of the bar where he works, which is always switched on to a news channel, sees that one of his "colleagues" has been killed during working hours, but he was just a victim.
It was not the target. It was not part of the saga. It lingers for a few moments, but the news passes quickly and the news anchor says: " The majority and the opposition joined the votes for the creation of the anti-corruption commission ."
The waiter has always known that something brings them together…
Meanwhile, he hears a voice from the table next to him: " Son, bring us a bottle of room-temperature water." A little fast !"