SPAK has registered criminal proceedings against the former Minister of Health, currently Minister of Education and Sports, Ogerta Manastirliu.
The procedure bears the number 81 of 2024 for the criminal offense "Abuse of duty". This proceeding was registered after the report made by PD deputy Albana Vokshi in 2020, for the mismanagement and abuse of Covid-19 funds, at the time when Manastirliu headed the Ministry of Health.
Referring to the report made by Vokshi at that time, it is claimed that Manastirliu made secret tenders while he was the minister of health.
Spak is conducting investigative actions for Manastirliu, who in February was called to the Special Prosecutor's Office for questioning, for a matter that she described as investigative secret.
A few weeks ago, Vokshi made an additional report for Manastirli, adding to it, evidence for tenders.