The two former residents of Big-Brother Vip Kosova Yll Dervishi, known as Buci and Santiana Maloku, were two of the most talked about characters inside the most famous house. This is due to the fact that a greater closeness than friendship was seen between them.
However, after the end of the edition, the duo was no longer seen together in any place, but recently the former residents have been caught 'mat.'
Santiana and Buci are seen for the first time so close to each other in a night club.
Prive has secured a photo of them having fun in each other's presence.
During his stay in BBV Resident of Big Brother VIP Kosovo, Buci clarified his closeness with Santiana, saying that it was part of the game, while he apologized to the latter, he said that he wanted the residents to think that there was something more between theirs, but his fiancee Verona has interrupted your game.
"I'm sorry for Santiana that we had part of the game and I didn't clarify it. I wanted the residents to suspect that we had a kiss, but Verona interrupted. Now I apologize to Santiana that it was all part of the game, normal in cooperation with Santiana. I didn't have feelings for Santiana, I said I don't know yet, it was part of the game", he said.
On the other hand, Santiana expressed that she felt bad after watching the clip, while saying that she does not understand why Buci did not clarify that they are just friends, but left the door open.
"I didn't feel well, not at all! Buci neither apologized to me nor explained anything about the video that was shown. But there was an opportunity to explain. I know Buci's capacity. If it had been someone else who couldn't talk to me, I would have understood, but Bucin doesn't because he knows that he can be redeemed and I don't understand why he didn't explain the report. Why he left the door open, only he knows, she said.
After this debate, the relationship between them broke down.
We remember that Buci's fiancee, Verona, worried about the closeness between the two, went inside the house for an explanation with her partner who has an age difference of 15 years.
From the public meeting that the pair had together, Buci explained saying that there is nothing between him and Santiana, everything happened within the framework of the game