Faton Hajrizi was killed on Friday (July 19) by the Serbian police after about 40 hours of searching as the suspect for the murder of a Serbian policeman and the wounding of his colleague in Loznica, Serbia.
Shahrie Hajrizi, Fatoni's mother, in an interview for the show "Albanian Life" on RTSH, said that her son's suffering started at a young age.
"Fatoni went to prison at the age of 15, in February 2000, when he unfortunately killed a Russian soldier. We have submitted it so as not to fall into the trap. He stayed in the notorious North Mitrovica prison," said Shahrie Hajrizi, who lives in Skënderaj.
In that prison, said Mrs. Hajrizi, the prisoner Fatoni was treated badly.
"He escaped 9 times from the prisons of Kosovo, seeking freedom at all costs. My son was a very resourceful, intelligent boy with God-given abilities. He was a loyal boy, loved very much, but unfortunately he left us.
At the age of 15 when he was brought to court for the crime he was chained, even though he was a child. It was tied around the neck, waist and both legs."
Fatoni was staying in the North of Mitrovica, even though his mother had asked to be transferred to a prison for minors.
"The boy should have served his sentence in Lipian prison for his peers, where he could have continued his education and been treated as a minor.
Fatoni wanted freedom, but they didn't let him.
In the 9 escapes that Fatoni has made, he came and met me, but he did not stay at home. Escape was not salvation, it only made things worse. Fatoni had served 2/3 of his sentence and had 6 years left. He asked for freedom, but they did not allow him. He applied for parole. They refused. We applied as a parent and he himself for the president's pardon. He was never given the chance. They didn't want to. They wanted to see how it is today."
Showing the last journey, Mrs. Shahrie says she was unaware of her son's destination.
"I handed him over to the state at the age of 15, the state kept him for 23 years. I had contact with the boy from July 1 to July 3, which was the weekend. He was very regular, we were not impressed that he would leave prison on the 6th. He wanted freedom, but he was never given freedom, he was denied freedom".