VOA Analysis: What are the expectations of Kosovo citizens from the new US administration?

2025-01-20 21:06:52Kosova&Bota SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
USA- Kosovo

The inauguration ceremony of Donald Trump to the US presidency on Monday is being followed with special attention in Kosovo, where the role of the United States is considered irreplaceable in the process of liberation and state-building.

Citizens in Pristina who were interviewed by Voice of America said that despite the change of power, the bond between the two peoples remains unwavering, while expressing hope that the United States will continue to support Kosovo in future political and Euro-Atlantic integration processes.

"I wish you success and I hope that since we have always been good with America, it has helped us a lot, it has supported us both during the war and afterwards. I hope that the relationship we have together as countries will not be shaken. I also hope that in the problems we have with Serbia, it will support us even more because we still need its support in this matter, we need intervention so that the two countries can reconcile because we have no other way," says Besarta Latifi.

"America loves us Albanians. America's goal is for us to receive the rights that every people in Europe has. Development plans in America are not made today for tomorrow but for 100, and I believe even more years, and that direction, regardless of which president comes to power, does not dare to abandon it," says Gani Krasniqi.

"America will be interested in this country because with America's help we have gained independence. There is no child, man, woman or student who does not know what America has given for Kosovo. We have become a state with America. America, regardless of politics, does not leave the people for one person because the Albanian people are very dear to America. America has helped us a lot and this leader is very strong, I believe that this problem that we have with Serbia here in the north, I am confident that this American president will conclude it," says Hasan Ramadani.

"I think that President Trump does what he says, he adheres to those rules and he is very determined. Therefore, I believe that nothing will change for Kosovo, only that it will become even better," says Selvete Krasniqi.

Although the role of the United States of America is considered essential in the liberation of the country, Kosovo is going through a period of what appears to be a weakening in the relationship between the Kosovo government and the United States.

Ahead of new parliamentary elections expected to be held on February 9, Kosovo, observers say, must work on preserving and strengthening relations with the United States.
