Reporting a crime at the nursing home and a nurse's account of the asylum......

2024-08-09 15:57:20Pikëpamje SHKRUAR NGA ANILA HOXHA
Zyhdi Shehi/ Virgil Vesho

Reporting a crime in a nursing home and a nurse's confession about the asylum...

When his departures from the apartment due to sclerosis became frequent, and exactly when he realized that he was constantly looking for his father in Tirana in alarm, Virxili's daughter painfully decided to take him to the asylum.

He often appeared there after someone had cooked for him and they drank coffee together in a neighborhood bar, next to the old people's home. As soon as he looked at his daughter, his eyes were smiling. It was only when he looked at her that his dull gaze came to life.

It was calm. But he often forgot the name of his dear daughter, much had become like a blank and unwritten letter from his life. From the days of yesterday when you can, to today with nurses around.

For him there was only today that was dissolving into the fog. Sometimes he came down and was found in the haunted yard at midnight in the middle of the music.

Sometimes she cried and wanted to get over those walls of the nursing home. In the neighborhood where the asylum is located, residents point to the table where he sat with his daughter, who did not want to be absent on any of the father's days.

He drank coffee with her, held her hands tightly. Then run away. In the battles of her life. In the asylum, meetings are always scheduled.

There had been a Vigil yesterday, before it was called the third age. Created a family. Worked in trade. Peaceful until the evening when his roommate, a well-known historian, attacked him in his sleep with a cane. It killed him.

Even his killer, Zyhdi Shehi, an elderly man with health problems, unclear about what he did and full of contradictions in his confession. But he killed him. Two nurses, one with a degree in midwifery, tried to wipe out the scene as sclerosis wipes out life. But as in life, traces remain at the scene. They were also arrested and insist that they did not know it was a murder.

And among the question marks of this event, the suicide, I am bringing you the confession of a former employee at the nursing home. Many things remain to be confirmed, but above all the necessity and urgency for the relevant institutions to exercise control over the homes for the elderly, whether they are private, verifying from the food menu, medications, their treatment if it is humane or not.

The confession…..

“Une kam punuar ne kete institucion si infermiere. Si fillim dua te ndaj keqardhjen time per ish pacientin, qe ka humbur jeten.Une e kam pasur pacient Xhilin ( sic e therrisnim ne shkurt).Ishte nje zoteri qe ka punuar tregtar per shume vite po ne ate lagje, ku ndodhet dhe azili.Nje person i urte dhe i sjellshem. Vuante nga skleroza dhe nuk kishte semundje te tjera shoqeruese. Nuk ishte i dhunshem Vajza e tij shpesh vinte e vizitonte,ne mbasdite dhe e ushqente Pacienti ka pasur probleme shpesh me gjumin naten dhe zgjohej. E gjenin ne oborr ne oren 3-4 te nates e gjenim ne guzhine ose neper dhoma te tjera Shpesh here tentonte dhe te dilte nga godina.

Por dua te cek si fillim si funksionon puna per infermieret: Turni paradites ka maksimumi 5-6 infermiere qe bejne ne fillim ushqyerjen e pacienteve dhe shpendarjen e medikamenteve dhe me pas ndërrimin e pelenave dhe te rrobave te pacienteve Ndersa ne darke qendrojne vetem dy infermiere qe kontrollojne kapacitetin e paciente me 40 ose me shume. Jemi ankuar shpesh per kete gje, per te shtuar staf, por pronari ka refuzuar. Turni nates eshte ne orarin: nis ne tre te mbasdites dhe perfundon te nesmen ne oren 7 te mengjesit, ku dhe dorezohet turni. Rregulli per turnin e nates eshte qe te kontrollohen pacientet cdo nje ore ne te treja goditan. Godinat jane te pajisura me kamera ku kapet cdo pjese e azilit. Normalisht turni nates eshte turni me i lodhshem dhe eshte lejuar qe fjetja e infermiereve te behet me radhe Por ka pasur raste kur infermieret (te dyja) jane gjetur ne gjume, gjate nates Kjo ben qe gjate nates te ndodhin dhe incidente te tjera pervec kesaj tragjetise.

Godina eshte e ndare ne tre pjese ku ne te treja gjendjen pacient ne gjendje shendetsore nga me te renda me semundje te tjera shoqeruese.

Persa i perket kryeinfermieres Z.N. M, ajo eshte me profesion. Mamie Dhe nuk ka nje licence si infermiere Kane punuar dhe vajza te tjera te cilat nuk kane qene te licensuar ose te siguruara me siguracione Azili eshte i pajisur me nje mjek qe pergjthesisht vjen paradite ku shikon gjendjen e pacienteve Ai eshte nje mjek i pergjidhshem.

Gjithashtu ne azil eshte dhe nje punonjese sociale Ne raste ku shfaqen problematika me pacient me gjendje te renduar mendore thirret dhe nje neurologe Ne godinen ku gjendjet dhe dhoma infermiereve gjendjen dhe kati me paciente me problematik Madje ato mbahen te lidhur gjate dites por ka raste dhe gjate nates Pacienti qe ka nderruar jete ka qedron nje kate me siper dhomes se infermierise Dhe mendoj qe infermieret kan qene ne gjume ne momentin qe ka ndodhur incidenti pasi ndryshe zhurmat do ishin degjuar dhe te bertiturat.

Une kam dhe disa foto nga pacientet qe me kane ngelur ne telefon dhe gjendjen e tyre te mjeruar Nese ju intereson mund tua dergoj. Kjo eshte nje foto si mbaheshin te lidhur gjate dites.

This is located on the infirmary floor. And they were chosen at the time when relatives came for lunch visits. But most of them meet in the lobby of the asylum, that is, the nurses take the patients downstairs and meet them there. After the meeting, they go back up to the room because the family members of the patients who walk on their own are not allowed to enter the rooms."....

Taken from the Facebook profile of journalist Anila Hoxha
