SAD/ The lawyer of the Court of Appeal in Tirana has passed away, her brother also died three months ago!

2024-09-05 16:00:13Aktualitet SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Domenika Gjeçi

A sad news came this Thursday. The well-known lawyer, Domenika Gjeçi , who dedicated years of her life to justice, passed away at a young age.

Gjeçi was a well-known name in the field of advocacy, a profession he practiced for many years and dealt with criminal cases, making a valuable contribution to the justice of our country.

The sad news about the death of Gjeçi was given by his colleagues, "Criminal Lawyers", through a post on "Facebook".

SAD/ The lawyer of the Court of Appeal in Tirana has passed away, her brother

Domenika Gjeçi will be remembered by everyone for her dedication and professionalism.

Her untimely death is a great loss not only for her family members, but for all her fellow lawyers, judges and prosecutors with whom she has worked all these years.

SAD/ The lawyer of the Court of Appeal in Tirana has passed away, her brother

For her family members, her loss is even more severe. Domenika Gjeçi lost her brother no more than three months ago.


