BBV's Bernard's partner revealed! (PHOTOS)

2025-01-15 09:23:36Lifestyle SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX

Bernardi, the Big Brother VIP resident, has recounted the ordeal of suffering since childhood, when he says he was sexually abused at the age of 10 until he met his partner.

On the life line, he shows that he was a small child when his neighbor took him and put him in the bedroom and abused him. He says that he always felt bullied.

Bernardi says he has had the support of his family. "I have always found peace with my parents," he said.

" I punished myself so much that I don't know how to express it, I was afraid to go to school, to come home alone. Adolescence came and I had my first girlfriend. I was doing what my parents expected of me. One beautiful day, with the support of my family, I decided to emigrate to England.

"I came to a point where I didn't even want life anymore. I tried to cut my wrists. There I met my ex-wife who took me out of hell, accepted me as I was. We started living together ," Bernardi said.

The moment came when, at the age of 37, he says he realized he was a homosexual man.

" I met Enam, she brought me joy, added to my happiness and I love her very much. One thing is for sure, the one who loves you will love you just the way you are ," he said of his partner.
