Invited to Burim Pacolli's poscast recently, was the well-known rap artist Mozzik , who spoke about his professional and personal life.
In a part of the interview, he focused on the relationship with Noizyn .
He said that the cooperation with Noizy has been wonderful, but he says that he still doesn't know why their relationship broke up, and he also declares that he has no idea about deleting the song either.
"The cooperation with Noizy has been wonderful. I don't know anything about deleting the song. As far as I know, you know and I do. A report is created from only one party. Everyone has a reason, but I don't understand them. Anyone who has worked with me has my number. You can find me on Instagram.
Contact me if you have something with me, don't attack me on social media because I don't think it's fair. You are doing something I know nothing about. It has often happened to me that I only see myself in Story and know nothing. And I still don't know."