Grips of hair and fists on the breast with silicone... these are the big fights between Albanian showbiz women (PHOTO+VIDEO)

2024-08-09 11:29:33Lifestyle SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX

On Tuesday evening, in one of the Tirana bars, Klea Prendi was physically assaulted by sisters Antonela and Mariela Berisha, who have been declared wanted by the State Police.

But unfortunately this is not the only case that in the pink world with the lights and lights of the show, even the girls collide physically with each other... the reason is always the same: a man! 

Generally, such events happen between rappers, but in our country they no longer make any difference.

This time, taking the trigger from the violence against Klea, we are making a summary of the scandalous fights between Albanian artists, who were busy with hair or even shot each other where it hurt the most: in the breast with silicone.

Rezarta Skurta and Rozana Radi

Grips of hair and fists on the breast with silicone... these are the big fights

The physical fight between them happened in 2011.

At that time, the singer Rozana Radi reported to the police the physical attack by her former friend Rezarta Shkurta.

" Citizen Rezarta Shkurta insulted and insulted me by writing messages in my inbox with the most banal words contained in the dictionary of the Albanian language.

Then this citizen writes me again and tells me that I want to meet you, asking for my phone number. he took me on the phone and told me we are at this Mercedes with the lights off.

At this moment I opened the doors, since I had secured them, and I was waiting for her to come and get in the car in order to clarify the problem.

But she comes, opens the driver's door where I was, and without even speaking to me, jumps on top of me, punching me in every part of my body.

My front seat was blocked and I couldn't get out of the car.

At one point, I find the opportunity and get out of the car to save this citizen, as she was very violent and at the same time insulting me with banal words.

The moment I got out, a guy also got out of her car, who grabbed my arms and was holding me, at a time when she started hitting me again.

The person who got out of the car was citizen Ermal Hoxha, who told me that I am Rezarta's husband.

In the moments when these citizens were hitting me, a police car was passing by and I immediately, as soon as I saw them, stepped forward and told them the incident "- Radi stated at the time.

" Rozana was in the car, and at this moment Rezarta punched Rozana, who had recently had a chest surgery and was protecting her torso with her hands, at a time when she had leave exposed the part of the face, where he was punched by Rezarta Shkurta, "- was written in the claim presented to the court

According to the medical examiners, the injured Rozana Radi was found to have injuries around her left eye, which are classified as minor injuries.

The court later declared Rezarta Skurnta not guilty.

Dorina Mema and Enca

Grips of hair and fists on the breast with silicone... these are the big fights

The feud between them started in 2016 after Dorina Mema won DWTS.

During an interview, she said that she wanted to cut Enca with scissors because of her weight.

"Sorry, I don't promote stupid and boring people for free. Look for fame elsewhere "- replied Enca on Sapchat.

Adelina Ismaili and Leonora Jakupi

Grips of hair and fists on the breast with silicone... these are the big fights

It is said that in 2011 the two singers had a physical fight where the Ismaili sisters beat the singer Jakupi.

The story of the beating happened backstage at a concert, where preparations were being made for the recording of a show for the New Year. In 2019, invited to the "Pressing" show, Ismaili said that everything got out of control when she saw Leonora hit her mother.

"Yes, there was a fight, but I don't know why this happened. Mom was hit a little bit by Leonora first. I remember it was a tight wardrobe, she went through and hit mom. Mom yelled at him a little because of the stress of the shoot. When mom told her "be careful", she grabbed her by the throat and that's when I intervened," the singer concluded, adding that she won't say a word more about the incident that happened in 2003.

Roza Lati and Aurela Hoxha

Grips of hair and fists on the breast with silicone... these are the big fights

It all started with a comment by moderator Lati about the appearance of entrepreneur and model Aurela Hoha.

Invited to DaSara, she said: Aurela must have been afraid to come because it is not real.

Real from the personality, but from the appearance we know it is not.

This continued with the fact that Roza mentioned her boyfriend to Aurela who, according to her, was taking her on vacation to the Maldives and Thailand, but after that Hoxha decided to ignore her and leave her alone .

Big Mama and Rowena Stefa

It can happen that from very close friends two women turn into sworn enemies. This is the case of Big Mama and Rowena Stefa. From people close to the two singers, from the media of the time, it was claimed that it all started when Big Mama confessed to Rowena her feelings for a friend of hers, whom she had known for years. But before long it was Rowena who formed a bond with him by starting a "war" with what was one of her closest friends.

"He took my boyfriend," said Big Mama. He even went on to show that he had sheltered the folk music singer Rovena Stefa in his house and helped her to build a career in Kosovo and as a reward, he had received treason. Stefa has never addressed Big Mama's claims.

Franceska Jaçe 

Grips of hair and fists on the breast with silicone... these are the big fights

The model and former competitor of "Big Brother" has also fought with a girl in one of Tirana's cafes. It was reported that Jaçe had beaten the ex-wife of her businessman boyfriend. But this was not the only case. The young woman from Vlora was filmed on another occasion raping a girl in a shop. 

Trejsi Sejdini, "gansterja e Elbasanit"


Sherret dhe përplasjet e filmuara nuk janë të reja për Trejsi Sejdinin. Kështu ajo fitoi nofkën e saj "gangsterja e Elbasanit" pasi ishte filmuar duke dhunuar një grup të rinjsh. Herën e dytë që u filmua, po dhunonte një vajzë nga Laçi. E gjitha ndodhi në një club të Tiranës dhe u filmua nga dhjetra persona, por ish-Miss “Universe Albania 2018”, mohoi gjithçka. 

Trejsi Sejdini pretendoi se nuk kishte marrë pjesë në sherr, por vetëm ishte e pranishme në vendin ku ndodhi ngjarja.

“Përshëndetje! Ka disa ditë që qarkullon lart e poshtë një video ku duket sikur unë përfshihem në një debat. Faktikisht pamjet e njerëzve jashtë atij clubi të lënë ta mendosh diçka të tillë por unë doja t’ju qetësoja sadopak të gjthëve pasi lajmi nuk është i vërtetë. Unë kam ardhur për pushime me mikeshat e mia dhe s’kam lidhje me asnjë konflikt. Nuk është faji im që ka njerëz që zihen nëpër clube ku jam dhe unë prezente po kjo s’do të thotë detyrimisht që kam dhe unë lidhje me sherrin! Kështu që merruni me punët tuaja se të ishte për portalet do më kishin nxjerrë mam të divorcuar me dy kalamaj deri tani. Kalofshi një ditë të mirë!,”- shkruan Trejsi në postimin e saj.

Grips of hair and fists on the breast with silicone... these are the big fights

Por në lidhje me këtë sherr ka reaguar edhe vajza tjetër që ishte e përfshirë në këtë sherr. Ajo shprehet se kanë rënë pre e provokimeve, duke akuzuar indirekt Trejsin se ishte ajo që e kishte dhunuar.

Grips of hair and fists on the breast with silicone... these are the big fights

“Më vjen shumë turp që u bëra pjesë e një ngjarje të tillë, por me besoni që ndodh të biesh pre e provokimeve të turpshme me vlerë 20 cnet. Unë në të kaluarën time nuk kam asnjë ngjarje të tillë, që duke u krahasuar me personin përballë, rastet kanë qenë përherë publike. Këshilla ime ishte të mbetemi FEMRA përballë çdo miss trasgender që na del para.”


Grips of hair and fists on the breast with silicone... these are the big fights

Në vitin 2019, dy modelet Kejvina Kthella dhe Oriola Marashi janë konfliktuar fizikisht me moderatoren Einxhel Shkira. Gjithë historia nisi pas disa batutave që Shkira bëri për modelen Kejvina Kthella, pasi kjo e fundit kishte fituar çmimin e javës te “Dance with me”, ku kërcente çift me ish--politikanin Eduart Ndocaj. Pas komentit të Einxhellit, Marashi dhe Kthella i shkuan poshtë shtëpisë për të "sqaruar" moderatoren, debat që përfundoi edhe ky në dhunë fizike. Einxheli është parë në rrugë nga patrulla e Policisë, duke vendosur që të bëjë edhe denoncimin, e shoqëruar nga vëllai i saj.

Asokohe, Einxhel Shkira tregoi për mediat se: Unë u gjenda e papërgatitur, pasi zbrita për të takuar pa asnjë paramendim Kejvinën, me të cilën kemi prej kohësh një marrëdhënie shoqërore të rregullt në distancë. Atje u përballa menjëherë me një sulm fjalësh dhe kërcënimesh. Isha një kundër dy dhe në debat e sipër, gjaknxehtësia bën të vetën.

Dy vajzat e tjera nuk u prononcuan kurrë për rastin. 

Kejvina dhe Françeska

Grips of hair and fists on the breast with silicone... these are the big fights

In 2019, it was rumored that the two sex models, Kejvina Kthella and Franceska Jaçe, did not speak to each other. After several photos they published together on social networks, the girls were no longer seen in each other's company. But why were they taken?

The fight happened only over a "Channel" bag and more details about this conflict were given by the former resident of "Big Brother", Ben Kasemi, who said that Kevin and Franceska do not talk to each other and the reason was an accessory luxury that Kevin borrowed from Franceska and then lost. In a status on "Instastory", Ben writes that the reason for the fight between the two girls, whom he calls 'models', is a "Channel" bag.

"Boll with Franceska that we have increased her shopping. Now Kevin has borrowed a 'Channel' bag from this and we lost it to this 'model'. This accuses him that Kejvina had stolen from him and Kejvina, as a serious lady, bought it from the store and gave him a new one. From that day they were broken. PS: Come on, let's clarify!"

Thus, with their stories, mostly banal, over the years it has happened that pop girls get involved in physical collisions, ending up in the Police. A world and way of life far, far away from what they advertise on their social networks even today. However, none of them have ever apologized, neither to the public nor to the people they have harmed, thus setting an example that should certainly not be followed.
