The testimony of the arrested Serbian terrorists is clarified, they show how they joined the group of aggressors

2023-09-25 20:41:47Kosova&Bota SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX
Serb arrested in the north of Kosovo

At least 3 of the 6 Serbs arrested for the attack on police officials, in the early hours of Sunday morning, confessed to the investigators about the attack they had prepared. They have agreed to speak without exercising their right to silent defense, as some other detainees have exercised.

Bllagoje Spasojevic, is one of those arrested by the Kosovo Police, who is already in custody. He told the investigators that he voluntarily joined the terrorist group that attacked the police, the media in Kosovo report.

According to the appointed lawyer according to official duty, Halit Derguti, this same person claims to have surrendered to the police.

"There was no complaint, nor did anyone beat him, he said no, he told me that he voluntarily went to participate in that group, I did not pretend to be armed... They say they arrested him, this one says I surrendered, when they started shooting, I lay on the ground, he says I surrendered, they say they were arrested, the main thing is that he was arrested... He didn't report that he had injuries, he didn't want to go to the doctor, in fact the injuries were on the head of the driver that there was blood... He said that I voluntarily went", said Halit Derguti, Lawyer of Bllagoie Spasoievic.

Dushan Vllajovic also spoke before the law enforcement agencies, in the car in which he was traveling together with another person in which a radio connection was found. As RTV Dukagjini learns, he said that he was not aware that his friend possessed a radio connection.

Milovan Gjoni, arrested for crimes against the constitutional order and security of the Republic of Kosovo, also confessed about the event. While these suspects for the terrorist attack in Banjska, Zveçan municipality, are under arrest, the medical treatment of Vladimir Stolic is continuing at the KKUK.

“Pacienti i rastit të djeshëm ka ardhur në orët  e vona të së dielës, dhe ka qenë me plagë me armë zjarri, me plagë të hapura të kërcilit të majt dhe i është nënshtruar nga ekipa kujdestare intervenimit, që ka qenë i suksesshëm, dhe sot e kemi vizituar dhe gjendja e përgjithshme është e mirë”, ka thënë Gani Jashanica – Drejtor i Klinikës së Ortopedisë.6 të arrestuarit gjatë ditës së djeshme, ende nuk kanë dalur para Gjykatës, derisa vazhdojnë të jenë në ndalim për 48 orë, nën dyshimet për veprat penale “Veprat e rënda kundër rendit kushtetues dhe sigurisë së Republikës së Kosovës’’ , ‘’Sulm kundër rendit kushtetues të Republikës së Kosovës’’, ‘’Përgatitja e veprave terroriste ose veprave penale kundër rendit kushtetues dhe sigurisë së Republikës së Kosovës’’ dhe ‘’Mbajtja në pronësi, kontroll ose posedim të paautorizuar të armëve”.

In addition to the Kosovo hospitals, as reported by the Serbian media, some wounded are also receiving treatment who are lying in the Novi Sad Hospital, but no concrete details on their number have been given.
